NOVA DIARY G25 How does that work again?
Saturday,29 July fair instructor:Jeffstudents;Naokowater absorbed by rootsevaporationwater vapor released by leaves condensationBeginning an explationTo start with,...At first,...Describling concurrent processesAt the same time,..While this is happening,..Describing effectsSo,consequently,...So as a result,...This causes...This leads to ...Expressing uncertaintyIt is possible that ,,,I suppose that,,,I don't have a clue,really,but maybe...My best guess would be..Tune in!At first,sunlight hits the river,lakes and oceans.After it evaporates,it enters the atmosphere as a gas.As a result,the water enters the ground.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Today's lesson is talking about process.週間STリーディング