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全て | 報徳記&二宮翁夜話 | 二宮尊徳先生故地&観音巡礼 | イマジン | ネイチャー | マザー・テレサとマハトマ・ガンジーの世界 | 宮澤賢治の世界 | 五日市剛・今野華都子さんの世界 | 和歌・俳句&道歌選 | パワーか、フォースか | 木谷ポルソッタ倶楽部ほか | 尊徳先生の世界 | 鈴木藤三郎 | 井口丑二 | クロムウェル カーライル著&天路歴程 | 広井勇&八田與一 | イギリス史、ニューイングランド史 | 遠州の報徳運動 | 日本社会の病巣 | 世界人類に真正の文明の実現せんことを | 三國隆志先生の世界 | 満州棄民・シベリア抑留 | 技師鳥居信平著述集 | 資料で読む 技師鳥居信平著述集  | 徳島県技師鳥居信平 | ドラッカー | 結跏趺坐 | 鎌倉殿の13人 | ウクライナ | 徳川家康
「天路歴程」和英版は今から10年近く前に GAIA のブログに連載していた。
 現在でも日本ではその内容がほとんど知られていない、読まれていない この物語を読むことは、英米文化さらには西洋を理解する基礎知識として必要だと思うことに変わりない。

天路歴程270 三人は押し寄せ立てと命じたthey came all up to him with threatening language, bade him stand 


Now the good man was just awaked from his sleep, and was getting up to go on his journey; so they came all up to him, and, with threatening language, bade him stand.

天路歴程271 小信の顔色は白くなり戦う力も逃げる力もありません LITTLE-FAITH looked as white as a clout; and had neither power to fight nor fly


At this, LITTLE-FAITH looked as white as a clout; and had neither power to fight nor fly.

天路歴程272 猜疑が走りきて手を小信のポケットに入れ金袋を出した MISTRUST ran up to him, and pulled out thence a bag of silver


Then said FAINT-HEART, 'Deliver thy purse;' but he making no haste to do it (for he was loth to lose his money), MISTRUST ran up to him, and thrusting his hand into his pocket, pulled out thence a bag of silver.

天路歴程273  罪悪は棍棒で小信の頭を殴りこの人は血を流し横たわった GUILT, with a club struck LITTLE-FAITH

273 すると、彼は泥棒だ、泥棒だ、と叫びました。それと同時にギルトは手に持っていた大きなこん棒でリトル・フェイスの頭を殴りつけ、その一撃でばったりと地に打ち倒し、この人は血を流しながら、出血のために死にかかっている者のようになって、そこに横たわっていました。

Then he cried out, 'Thieves! thieves!' With that, GUILT, with a great club that was in his hand, struck LITTLE-FAITH on the head, and with that blow felled him flat to the ground; where he lay bleeding, as one that would bleed to death.

天路歴程274 賊は 「善信」の都の大恵と思い一散に逃げ出した should be one GREAT-GRACE, that dwells in the city of Good-confidence


All this while the thieves stood by; but at last, they hearing that some were upon the road, and fearing lest it should be one GREAT-GRACE, that dwells in the city of Good-confidence, they betook themselves to their heels, and left this good man to shift for himself.

天路歴程275 これがそのお話です This was the story.


Now, after awhile, LITTLE-FAITH came to himself; and getting up, made shift to scrabble on his way. This was the story."

天路歴程276 宝石をしまった所は捜れなかった the place where his jewels were they never ransacked

ホウプフル しかし、その連中は持っていたものをことごとくまきあげたのですか。

クリスチャン いや、宝石をしまっておいたところはさぐられなかったので、それはまだ持っていました。

Hope. But did they take from him all that ever he had?

Chr. No; the place where his jewels were they never ransacked, so those he kept still;

天路歴程277 賊は金の大部分を持っていき宝石だけ残った The thieves got most of his spending money. That which they got not were jewels


but, as I was told, the good man was much afflicted for his loss, for the thieves got most of his spending money. That which they got not (as I said) were jewels; also he had a little odd money left, but scarce enough to bring him to his journey's end;

"And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
~ 1 Peter 4:18 ~


最終更新日  2022年05月29日 08時25分26秒
[イギリス史、ニューイングランド史] カテゴリの最新記事

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