| カテゴリ未分類
| SasaKicchi的アメリカン生活
Thank you for your mail. I am doing well in Boston. This is my homepage, so(-->where)
you can see some picture(-->pictures) of Boston I took. http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/troyuniversity/ I am still learning English. So(don't need "so", or else use a comma instead of ".") please check your mail box often to check my exercise in English. I would like you to check my sentences like this.(-->: instead of .) I are (-->am) a Japanese student. The style is (-->makes it) easy to find where my mistake is. Please tell your father that(-->to) please take all my property I left because Yoshiko moved out (of) the place we used to live. I made a promise that your dad can take all my stuffs(-->stuff) after I leaving(-->left). So please contact with(don't need "with") Yoshiko. How is your family going(-->doing)? Sasaki お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2012年04月18日 02時48分05秒
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