Heartbreaking moment....
I was very tired last night as I fell asleep around 7pm until this morning, about 9am. I woke up with the ring-tone of the cell-phone e-mail. It was from Maro-mama.I realized three unread mails are stored in my inbox. I opened them one by one.Then, I knew my master's mom was passed away peacefully in the evening of Friday, July 11.I had a crazy idea about her. I believed she never die as she always told me her family(sisters, etc.) lives long life. Because of that leaving this life at the age of 83 was too early.The last moment I remember was she was in her smily face, telling me some updates, and saying "take care driving and come again!" as same as usual.My master was her only child. She was always taking care of her daughter very well.I can tell how much she loves her daughter as well as my master does love her.They were so close as twin sisters.My master was trying to be strong as a daughter, a mother, and an instructor these months. I could feel inside her feeling was like in turbulence.Before the vigil ceremony this evening, I met my master. All I could do was hugging her, saying nothing. I tried not crying, but I couldn't help myself.Thanks for maro-mama telling her to stay conscious and play her role for tonight to see her mom off. She stopped crying and went to the hall.I did nothing. All I could do was trying not crying in front of her.Her mom was always proud of her smart & pretty daughter. At the vigil ceremony, my master gave a great speech to the guests for her mom. I believed her mom was with us, listening her talking and wondering why she's telling such a thing. Then later on, her mom, herself, had realized that she had passed away.I will visit tomorrow's funeral ceremony to say good-bye since I still cannot believe that I no longer see her and her smile. I know there is nothing I can do for one's life. But, I wish her mom can find her husband in heaven easily.Also, I wish my master's sadness and emptiness will be eased by something else as time goes by.So, for her mom, my master, my master's all relatives, her mom's and her students, and myself, this is the right time for the serenity prayer again.(I only know this!!)--- The serenity prayer ---God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world As it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right If I surrender to His Will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life And supremely happy with Him Forever and ever in the next. -------------------------------------------------Again, I'm not a christian but my friend is. :-)Peace!