←←←これなーんだ?海外ネットで見つけた画像ですわー尻尾に模様…やけに耳の中がリアルいな…*ついてた説明*The Fennec of De Laland - Megalotis LanadiThe Fennec fox is the smallest fox; it is from 14 to 17 inches (36-44 cm) long with a tail 8 inches (20 cm) long, and it weighs 2 to 3.5 pounds (1-1.5 kg). The long, bushy tail, sometimes called a sweep, helps the fox change direction quickly and keeps the fox's feet and nose warm when it curls up to sleep. Foxes have sharp, curved claws, and sharp teeth. The thick, insulating fur of the Fennec fox is the color of sand; the belly is white. The outer edges of the ears are reddish brown. To shield their feet from the heat of the burning desert sand, their feet have protective hair on the soles (the bottoms of the feet). The muzzle is narrow and pointed.答:我らが「フェネック」ですウ工エエェェエ━Σ(ll゚д゚(ll゚д゚ll)゚д゚ll)━!!!うむ、翻訳ソフトで読んでも思いっきりフェネの説明だ~(´ε`;)せめてジャコウネコ系とかの間違えでしょーとにかく絶対フェネック違うーΣヽ(;Д;*)フェネはもっとカワイいもんっ!!!!←違いはそこじゃないだろwこの図鑑的イラスト?売ってるらしい…何も言うまいてあ、誰か正解(フェネック以外w)教えてチョー目の保養に他にもあったフェネックの絵どうぞーこっちはリアルにイイ感じ左の子のほんわか微笑みには癒される右のは毛の質感とか長さがちょっとキタキツネっぽいかな顔が「食後にはしゃぎ過ぎてゲキョり(ちょっと嘔吐気味)中」に見えてしまうw←ポチッとアピの応援お願いします(人´∀`*).。:*+゜:☆