I get up before my alarm clock rings and furn it off.I am remembering for some reason or another, your waysThere was a one in a million chance of meeting you,so it is somethingof a miracle.Before I know it will I forget?Will I also surely forget things I’ve lost?Heavenly days are in the room of the pocket on my chest.Your fated warmth is what I search for.Even if I never again remember you,I’ll find a key to those few warm days. Tired of walking, I’ll sit and enjoy,then continue down the some rood.Unfulfilled dreams like ''fate'', we used to talk about things lik that.At the ticket gate I could never say what I wanted to say.Words like ''thank you'' are probablymore sad than words like ''good bye'', I think. Heavenly days I wonder if you can smile easily?In our final kiss scene, your hand was trembling.I couldn’t hold it tears didn’t even drop.Now that I’m alone, the tears are over flowing.Heavenly days are in the room of the pocket on my chest.Your faded warmth is what I search for.Even if I never again remember you,even if I reached my hands out, you are not here anymore.Under a new light, I begin tou walk again. 無意識に君の手を握ってた何度も泣くから 何度も慰めて君の為なら笑ってみせるよ