微小プラスチックの健康への影響は今のところ分かっていないが、分解物にはそれ自身が有害物である可能性があるが、さらに細胞の働きを邪魔して、環境ホルモンの侵入を助ける働きをするという。 微小プラスチックは海からの他に、ペットボトルの水、ポリ袋に包んだ食品、車のタイヤ―が道路とこすれて大気に舞い、その空気などからも我々の身体に入ってくるといわれている。身体の中のプラスチックは年々ふえているようなので、プラスチック用品はできるだけ使わないようにすることが大切である。 It has been reported that tiny plastic shards in the sea come into our body via fish and other marine products. Recently, researchers discovered that there are 7 to 30 times more plastics in brain than in kidney and liver. Its concentration in brain is 50 % more than 2016 level. It is unclear if these plastics are in flux or stored in brain. It was also found that more nanoplastics was in brain whereas more microplastics in liver and kidney. Why are there more palstics in brain than in liver or kidney ? Because fat make up around 60 % of brain, and many plastic degradation products are soluble in fat. It is unclear if these plastics are harmful to our health. But their degradation products include harmful chemicals. Tiny plastics, besides coming from the ocean, enter our body through plastic bottle water, food wrapped in plastic bag and the air polluted by plastic particles produced when car tires rub against road. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2024.10.21 14:55:38
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