パキポディウム・ビカラーの植え替え(Replanting pachypodium bicolor)
今日はビカラーの植え替えをしました。ビカラーと言っても本物かどうかはわかりませんが・・・(この業者は一緒にバロニーも注文したのですが送られてきた種は今までに何回か取り寄せたバロニーとは種の形が全く違いました)Today, I did replanting pachypodium bicolor.Even say bicolor,I don't know they are bicolor.I got these seeds from same saler with baronii seeds but baronii seeds were quite different shape from baronii seeds that I orderd the other time.まだ小さいので何のパキポだかわかりませんね、誰か分かりますか?ちなみに、私がいつも使っている用土は市販の多肉用土と草花用の用土を混ぜたものですがパキポの種類によって混ぜ方を少し変えています。I can't see what variety of pachypodium because still seedling.Anyone can determine?Incidentally,soil I use is commercially available soil that I mixed with soil for succulent and soil for flowers.But changing mixture a little by deffrence of pachypodium variety.Put rough soil bottom of pot then add soil for cultivation.