私の大好きなボサノバの曲です。8月にレコーディング予定 ? Izumi Ishii 作詞・・・俺は海の若大将 歌・・・Tomo・kawara Voyage of the memory Sale the ship to remember the sea of my mind. Trip the sea to create the sea of my mind. My son cast the mooring and said so with a sun burnt face smiled. Board to a ship to burnd the big sea into my memory. Travel the sea to overcame the big sea. My son drew the water tale and said so with showing white teeth in his smile. Sea is our mother earth. Sun comes and goes,mother of the earth. We go to the ocean to remember our remote past old memory. The ocean always helps us to remind our happiest history. Sail the ship to remember the sea of my mind. Travel the sea to overcame the big sea. My son smiled and said so, with a sun burnt face. My son smiled and said so, with white teeth on face Cast the mooring and the water tale is drawn by son’s big back. Cast the mooring and the water tale is drawn by son’s big back.