2024年4月9日の強風と雨でだいぶ桜が散りました。写真はその翌日に見沼代用水西縁で撮ったソメイヨシノです。道路が花びらで絨毯のようになっていました。 Cherry blossoms around the Minuma area, Saitama City: the ground was a carpet of cherry blossom petals on the next day of strong wind and rainy weather on April 9, 2024.【Bon appétit !】 Did you know Saitama Prefecture is home to Japan’s longest cherry blossom corridor? And according to Saitama City, it is not just the longest, but also Japan’s number 1 “sakura kairo”! Saitama Prefecture, beside Tokyo, is the only prefecture with a twenty kilometer long cherry blossom ‘corridor’ in all of Japan. It is called the Minuma Tanbo Cherry Blossom Corridor / Minuma Tanbo Sakura Kairo. Moreover, there are several different varieties of cherry blossoms that bloom so you can see sakura from around the end of February until early April.(https://insaitama.com/saitamas-stunning-cherry-blossom-corridor-the-longest-in-japan/)