かなり細かくって(実物は1.5センチ角) まる一晩かかりましたが、 自分でも気に入ったものが彫れましたので、 うれしくなってブログにも乗せてしまいました。 手作りでなんか作るのってホント楽しいです! ちなみに、簡単に解説すると、 篆刻してある文字は「歩ー琉」(ポール)です。 Earth walkerと呼ばれるポールなので、 「歩」(walker)の字と、その下に大地(earth)をイメージした 「ー」を彫りました。 「琉」はPaulの活動が大きな流れとなってくれることを願い、 また「琉」が本来持つ「瑠璃色の宝玉」という意味を ポールがその活動を通じて実現させようとしている 未来の美しい地球にかけたものです。 Dear Paul, About this stamp "Paul" 「歩ー琉」 「歩」 Pronounciation "PO" Meaning "Walk" In this stamp, I used the ancient chinese character of 歩. I think this character originate from the shape of human who is walking. (At least it looks like a walking human to me.) There are two people walking, one is you Paul and the other is Konomi and the symbol of all people (including god) who is walking along with you. This charactar shows that you are always walking together with someone's mind, even if sometimes you are walking only by yourself. 「ー」 A character to prolong the vowel The first reason I have put this character (which is not common to carve it in stamp), in order to make the pronouciation "Paul" instead of "Pol". The second (and the main) reason I've put this mark is because, I was inspired an image of the earth from this flat horisontal line. So, 歩together with ー symbolize "Earth Walker". 「琉」 Pronounciation "RU" Meaning "Flow, Okinawa, Blue(Lapis), Gem" I felt that your life is like a flow of a river, starting from a single drop which has a pure, sound, right and strong will, which gathers many peoples mind, binding them to one large river, heading for the sound future of the earth. Also, this character is for 琉球, the name of the kingdom which exist in ancient Okinawa. Okinawa is the place you got married with Konomi, and I curved this character for the happy life of you two. Coincidentally, I found a blue part in this stone. I have curved many stamps for my friends but it is my first time to see a blue color in this kind of stone. It looked exactly like Lapis, which was admired as a sacred stone in various tribes all over the world, which symbolize luck, healing, life, an so on. This character also has a meaning of gem, and I took the meaning as a "precious blue gem", i.e., "beautiful planet earth" which we are heading for. During I designed and curved this stamp, I prayed for you, Konomi, people walked and will walk with you, the trees planted and will be planted, people sacrificed by the war, dreaming of the bright future of our planet. May this stamp brings you luck and protect you, Paul. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2006年05月15日 23時20分14秒
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