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湖の彼岸 -向こう岸の街、水面に映った社会、二重写しの自分-

湖の彼岸 -向こう岸の街、水面に映った社会、二重写しの自分-

いいね! --/--



What the above makes clear, in my mind, is that the impact of diamonds and dollers is not solely negative, as is so often claimed in development studies and sociological analyses, which usually tend to echo Marx's or Simmmel's more general views on money as destructive of kinship bonds an solidary communities.


Of couse, the transborder diamond smuggling has produced negative effects: at the level of household and the lineage, for example, it has indeed had a severe impact on the structuring of gerontocratic relations of authority and respect as well as on labour divisions and other genders relationships.


Disregarding the advice of their fathers, brothers and husbands, many women now travel to Angola, often for considerable periods of time, earning money in prostitution. Such women are considererd to be 'dogs that break the leash'. However, given the extremely harsh circumstances in which most Zaireans live, it becomes increasingly difficult for these women's husbands to refuse their wive's money upon their return, or indeed to divorse them altogether.


Moreover, diamonds have not only drastcally altered the structuration of social relationships on the micro-level, they have also caused an acceleration of the spread of AIDS in the countryside. More generally, the diamonds have given rise to a general sense of growing insecurity, banditry and violence.


I certainly do not want to deny or downplay these disruptive effects occationed by the neocolonial intrusion and the brutal mercantilism of the diamond comptoir economy, or by the criminal maintenance of inflation and dollarization.


However, unequivocally putting the stress on the negative impact of diamond trading activities links in too much with the longstanding and deeply romantic idea that the introduction of modernity, linked to a cash economy, is bound to have a throughly negative impact on an authentic, 'traditional' village life, thereby conveying a sense of lost cultural virginty and authenticity.


This is not to deny the ruptures and fragmentations caused by such an imbrication. Many popular Zairean songs bemoan the 'lack of a place to which one fully belongs', thereby indicating a deeply felt rupture with one 's lived world, which has been fragmented and torn apart by the mainfold processes of (de-, neo-, post-)colonization, by the manifest brutalities of the postcolonial state, as well as by more convert and subtle forms of social, economic and symbolic violence.


The duffuse sense of place no longer allows one to draw the dividing line between urban and rural realities, 'modern' and 'traditional' world, or the level of the local and the global, in a self-evident ways. In many ways , 'city' and 'village', then, have become states of mind, rather than spatial realities.


In Africa, commodity relations, based on monetary transactions, have always formed the key metapher for the structuring of relationships in the urban context.


Central to this development of the African city has been the functioning of the comptoir economy. The politicl econmy of the comptoir, which today chractarizes the diamond trade in Angola and Zaire, has always been essentially colonial.


It was used by the colonizer as a forceful means to transform and, above all, urbanize the African materal and mental landscape. Undoubtedly, in the late 1980s and the eraly 1990s, the comptoir economy in Bandundu and Angola contributed considerably to the urbanization of places such as Kahemba or Tembo in the Kwaango, or the minig settlements in Angola. Dollers are no longer generated in the city, but in the rural hinterland.


As in the times of the precolonial slave and ivory trade in which the aLuund were deeply involved, the 'periphery' has thus regained centrality in the economic dynamics. At the same time, the economy and the social life of the existing Zairean urban space is marked by an accelerating ruralization and increasingly depends on the economic activities of the former periphery.


This process of villagization of the city goes hand in hand with growing social barriers and an increasing polarization and segregation of the urban space, between, on the one hand, the commercial and 'European' center of cities such as Kinshasa and Kikwit, urbanized by the Belgians before independence, and now taken over by those who have access to diamond dollars, and on the other hand, the endless 'peripheral cities', la cite where an increasing number of city-dwellers---the vast majority of Zaireans who do not have access to diamond dollers and no longer participate in failing system of commodity market exchange---try to survive.


The contemporary diamond comptoir economy has thus occasioned an 'urbanization' of the rural locale. At the same time it has contributed to a mental ruralization of diamonds, to introduce and reinvent older notions, mentalities, practices, and moralities within that urban space. Above I have discussed the ways in which bana Lunda's identity constructions are deeply rooted in longstanding moral matrixes and habituses.

現代のダイヤモンド協定経済はこうして、田舎の場所の「都市化」を起こしてきた。同時にそれは、ダイヤモンドの心的田舎化にも貢献してきた、古い時代の考え方、心性、習慣、そして倫理を紹介し再発明することに、その都市空間の内で。私が以上述べてきた、bana Lundaのアイデンティティ構築のやり方は、長く続いてきた倫理基盤と心的習慣に深く根ざしている。


最終更新日  2006年06月15日 02時41分02秒
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