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湖の彼岸 -向こう岸の街、水面に映った社会、二重写しの自分-

湖の彼岸 -向こう岸の街、水面に映った社会、二重写しの自分-

いいね! --/--
カテゴリ:Learnig English
On the other hand, it is also true that advances in modern science and technology have also opend up serious moral and ethical dilemmas. An example that illustrates how technology created new dilemmmas is cloning technology. In particular, many have spoken with caution regarding the possibility of applying this technology to clone human beings. This technology has led to a whole series of questions that were unthinkable prior to its development. For example, should it ever be permitted to clone a human being? If so, under what circumstances should it be permitted? What kinds of problems does this technology pose for the concept of personal identity? The seriousness of these questions is not only clear from the number of journal and newspaper articles that have devoted attention to this issue, but from debates at the government level in various countries regarding what kind legislation should be passed to deal with the possibilities opend up by cloning technology.


最終更新日  2007年04月07日 23時12分53秒
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