このアンプはパスラボの社長が趣味?で作っている「First Watt」というアンプです。このアンプに使用されているSITはSC(シリコン・カーバイド)プロセスで作られたもので、僕はこれが出るのを待っていました。上條式SITアンプは最終的にはこのSITを使って2kWの出力を目指しています。日本で開発が始まって50年近く経った今、西澤潤一東北大学名誉教授の発明になるSITが世界で認められつつありますね。このデバイスは元々レーダーの出力アンプ用で軍事用だそうです。高周波高出力デバイスということですね。これをネルソン・パス氏は大金を払って特注したそうです。SITの音質は静かで、うるさくありません。三極管の音と似ているようです。うるさくないとは、小音量でも小さな音がよく聞こえますので、ストレスを感じません。SITを聴いてしまうと、通常のトランジスターやMOS-FETはもう聴けなくなります。Introduction to Static Induction Transistorsby Nelson PassIn the mid 1970's a special variety of Jfet invented in Japan called a Static Induction Transistor (SIT) found its way into the “Vfet” power amplifiers produced by Yamaha and Sony. These amplifiers were produced for several years and then discontinued, but are still highly regarded in the high end audio community.SIT devices have a unique characteristic which is of particular value for audio amplifiers. Quoting inventor Nishizawa's patent abstract, “(The) drain-current to drain-voltage characteristic simulates the anode-current to anode-voltage characteristic of the triode vacuum tube very closely.” They have found use in radar and other exotic applications, but after Sony and Yamaha ceased production, versions suitable for audio power amplification have been highly prized and difficult to obtain.Recently there has been renewed interest in SITs, partly because two audio companies have stepped up to the plate and spent the money required to fabricate new devices suitable for audio power amplifiers. The first of these is Digital Do Main in Japan, which has produced two audio amplifiers based on newer versions of original Yamaha Silicon parts. The other is First Watt, which arranged for a production run of a new SIT device using a newer Silicon Carbide process by SemiSouth.ーーーー