携帯の操作を誤り、『 簡易キーロック 』 なるものを作動させてしまいました…。暗証番号を変更した覚えなどないのに、初期設定「0000」で解除されず、「変更した覚えなどない」暗証番号を覚えているわけもなく…。現在使える昨日は 『 着信通話 』 のみの状態です。。。どこが「どこが簡易やねん!」 っと、突っ込みを入れたいケースケがお送りする今日のモン吉日記です。…やれやれ…。(←自分に) さて、本日は、世界の海で起こっている事件を1つ、ご紹介したいと思います。 とりあえずこちらをご覧下さい ↓ ぎぇ~!!これは怖いっ!! 画像は、ただのシャークダイブの一幕です。事故でも事件でもないです。(しかし勇気あるよな~…) この画像を添えてあった、驚愕の記事がこちらです↓ 「 dive anarchy 」 よりAn Australian Navy clearance diver got seriously injured beingattacked by a shark in the middle of Sydney harbor.The deployment of dolphins and sea-lions by American forces in places like Arabian Gulf ports is old news. Dolphin sailors are recruited and trained for specialistoperations like standing guard and detection of mines. Attacks carried out by bull sharks is a new use of seaanimals in the battle between the axes of evil and the allied forces.The 31-year-old Navy diver was involved ina Defence trial of new technologies designed to protect ports,naval bases and ships from underwater attacks. According to an eye witness, it all happened very quickly:"He fought the shark, punched it a few times and the shark disappeared. Our diver then swam to our nearby safety boat, which wasn't far away. The people on the safety boatgot him into the boat, they applied some first aid,rang 000 and got him ashore to an ambulance and up to the hospital as fast as they could." The poor fellow has undergone emergency surgery after being brought to St Vincent's Hospital in a critical condition.He suffered severe injuries to his right hand and right thigh. Rear Admiral Coates says it is the first time an AustralianNavy diver has been attacked by a shark. He saysthe Navy will review its diving operations."When something like this happens, we've got to sit back when the facts become clearer and try to understand what happened and see whether there's ways we canreduce the risk of that ever happening again," he said.At time of publishing it is still unknown whether theterrorist shark has been caught and brought over toGuantanamo Bay. Chances are slim... ・ ・ ・ 。。。 はい、つまり。 アラビア湾のとある港で、オーストラリア海軍の作業ダイバーが、オオメジロザメに襲われたという記事です。(ざっくり) おぉ、恐ろしい…。 もう少し詳しい記事内容を知りたい方は、上記英文をコピーし、エキサイト翻訳サイトなどに貼り付けて見てみてくださいっ。 きっと、大いに、笑えることでしょう☆ ke-suke