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文法問題の復習 Complete the sentences. ・(How do )people in Japan eat rice? ・Who do you have lunch (with)? ・Who did you go to the movie (with)? 誰と一緒だったのか という質問なので最後に with がつく。 ・She's usually (in a hurry) in the morning. ・I (don't usually go) to work by bus. 否定文での頻度を示すadverb の位置に注意。 ・I usually do exercise in the morning. always,usually,never,hardly ever などは、be 動詞と一般動詞で位置が異なるので注意。 ・She talked (to) her friend. ・He speaks (to) his sister. ・Please tell me about you. tell の後にはすぐに目的語がつく。 ・She wasn't (in class) yesterday. ・I couldn't sleep (on the plane) because (there were some) noisy children behind me. ・He took a photo because (there was a beautiful view). view には a がつくことに注意。 My children love music. I sing (to) them every night. sing の後には to が必要。 ・(How much coffee) do you drink? どのぐらい珈琲を飲みますか? ・(How many cups of) coffee do you have in the morning? 午前中何杯珈琲を飲みますか? 珈琲は数 many でなく量 muchで尋ねる。 数を尋ねるなら何杯飲みますか?という尋ね方にする。 How many の後の名詞は複数形になる。 ◆過去を示すed の付け方に気を付けるべき動詞 I studied Spanish. I played tennis this morning. She preferred the red skirt. The train stopped in Osaka. まだまだ見直すべき部分が山積みです....(。>ㅅ<。) にほんブログ村 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2017年06月01日 23時24分14秒
[English] カテゴリの最新記事