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今学期もたくさん単語を覚えなければならなくて頭が痛い… もう少し若ければと思うこと多々。 今学期は学期末に教頭先生とのspeaking試験がある。今期が終わると新しい教材に入りレベルアップするから。 今日は過去形、過去進行形と過去完了を使った文章を考えてみた。 It was more than 5 years ago. While I was coloring my hair, my mother in law called me and she said she was going to have some visiters and she needed my help for preparing some fruit and tea for them. I replied her that I was coming for you and don't worry. At that time, I hadn't washed my hair yet but I washed my hands quickly and I was out from my place to go to the downstairs....As soon as I closed the door, I realized I had left my keys on the table. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2019年05月11日 20時48分05秒
[English] カテゴリの最新記事