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山梨県歴史文学館 山口素堂とともに

山梨県歴史文学館 山口素堂とともに

いいね! --/--

甲州駒ヶ岳(甲斐駒ケ岳〉に登った外人 ヴィルヘルム・シュタイニッツアー
   『日本名山 甲斐駒ヶ岳』 串田孫一・今井通子・今福龍太編 博品社



We headed first to Kofu, by train. It took until evening 6:30 was just 120 km is the distance of Kofu, trains move this distance. It the first first and foremost Kofu Tokyo 300 m elevation is higher. Secondly, Japan Railway is like it in Europe, indifferent to the brash and edgy from the orbit of prudence and dignity I traced. Travel of the train until the Kofu is terrible in the tunnel of the killjoys, but so was full of charm.
Kofu is a large basin surrounded by high peaks, directions in Japan to the West is located up the highest mountains. I, on the first climb this mountain was also.
Belong to the original Japan Alps mountain range, but the also and gave no opportunity. Where from I can see with my own eyes how it adapted to the unending Japan mountain you can experience any more and the new my boyfriend totally irrelevant in the mountain world.
This mountain range is a vast mountain range which has numerous high peaks, typical mountain Shirane [Kita-Dake, between-farm birds-Dake, Yatsugatake of. Sometimes simply refers to only the Northern] (3150 m), Koshu-komagatake (3, 0 01 m), Feng wind mountain (2910 m), such as.
Aiming at the mountain is Mt. komagatake. Starting point was in a 1 hour train from Kofu station. When he got off the train in the evening in the 6:45 barely already the night, the stars shone head. Fortunately, an innkeeper soon finds a very decent. Soon as he eats the dinner they do, rock walls, ledges, dreams, such as rock crevices to look soft (futon) (no bed to thick bedding cotton, Japan) to pulled.
And four o'clock the next morning, open the sliding doors of the room start just light in the eastern sky, cloudless sky with no nice day thanks for had promised. Mountain were about to begin now in you are blessing ahead of the trip. Hurry up boy and boy had accommodation people further. When unloading packed rucksack, breakfast, leaving Hino spring 5: a little after. Was not going according to what I hear in the Hino spring Guide, but in one field of approximately 7 km away. We are triumphantly proceeded step by step towards the mountains. Top of the show are on their way across the kamanashi River Mt. komagatake, massive mountains, and far, yet we have snow on Mount Fuji was desired. The air is cool, new
Utena ezokisuge blooming on the roadside in the Pliocene, sulfur-containing precious colors, shone with morning dew. Crossing the temporary bridge to the kamanashi River, countryside further, arrived on the field at 6: 30 minutes.
Japan is suffering from deficiency of chronic. Have prepared bridge marked on the map immediately after the rainy dawn to travel inland, but not completely necessary. That is because the most bridges are made from wood, from the tyranny of the flood can not compete very. The shed in the annual event every summer, many Nihonbashi lacks prior to trying to reconstruct the durability of bridges. Steel and concrete is usually not used to large railway bridge.
-Que Hara after paramount was in tour guides. While stomping your feet several times delay results pretty much what Shirasu small farmhouse next to the husband by the exceptional day that Yen (2 marks) Mt. komagatake, show us the way, we found. Who and what does heat and burden always cheerful and helpful, really regular guy was.
After the village of Shirasu up barely a little laid back and I had 7: too much was already in.
Walking through the woods of Inada and bright the Sun is as early as the skin sore. Small shrines on the banks of the Brook angry sounds hilarious, about 20 minutes (bamboo-or months-Dake shrine) to arrived. This Yomiuri Shimbun shows that climb to the sacred mountain begins here. Visit the mountain surrounded by a sacred fragrance in Japan, which also is the year countless mountain climbers. Mt. komagatake is also in one of them. We 険路 got to Groove about 1 hour panting up. Fortunately, in the meantime much overhead to cover the bushes had thanks for hanging. And out of it now appeared fearful bamboo.
When climbing a mountain in Japan, this plant with large leaves tough stems during the human height exceeded in fear of becoming. Is plant enthusiasts say that I am a fanatic of this bamboo only, I now want to raze (くたばれ) and a curse. Compared to this devil of the Japan plant Pinus pumila in the European Alps, and there, and even enjoyment. Bush on bamboo, such as floods, beings enter almost impossible and hopeless against militarism. Hanging overhead from both sides-high stems under the sweltering heat, feet are perpetually smooth bamboo stalks smooth slip. If little peaks in advance and want to blindly hands during the flood of thrusting step by step and body to limp up only missing. Both hands at once, 8 semester [University of Germany, 2 semesters], as Germany celebrated students ' faces become pale. He so Luckily, this semester exams like the shambles, is way better, cant even became loose. Because of mudslides and falling rocks a large road is pushed to the bottom of a ravine where and what time had fun times.
Around noon, about people trying to eat the instructions out. Needless to say it's jumped on this right was given. I sat down and shaded by FIR reminiscent hometown and bitten rice cold.
Usually, such as mountain trip, rice for lunch every morning fresh steaming rice Pack to the bench (wooden box). No good lunch of cold cooked rice served with orange marmalade, canned fruit, eaten in the Alps of his hometown. No bread, good for digestion no sandwiches more appetizing as much as 1000 times.
Wonderful views far ahead, towering high over the kamanashi River across the serrated 8 Yatsugatake mountains (highest peak is 2932 m). Good shape of Mt. Fuji in the distance, faces south, and it once again rears its ugly head was. After the break between the road inclination to increase further, went in the Woods in the dark FIR adorable pink rhododendron flowers sprinkled here and there. Narrow saddle and 2:00 PM, for accommodation by water courses have been reached. But sadly does not shed in snow during the winter season of fresh air like a pancake, had collapsed to the ground. Roof pierced by 花曇 rocks and the water though, box large depressions that there dripping, drop is being collected. At least one salvation is that water is teeth to Penglai's was in very cold as it. As a result some time to look around and around, saddle drops found that something. Go near the rock some statues are lay, had arranged a kind of altar.
When I visit Japan, 人煙 a rare land and high peaks, such as statues and, often meet you. Showing the old shrine and statues of this kind is not often made as an art is not somehow feel the profound religious sensibility of the old Japan. New generation in such atmosphere nowadays is not interested, but local people cherishes a deep reverence. Prayer for ordinary class of countless pilgrims visit this holy place every year.


There was the day. Decided to leave and was going to wait until the next morning Naoto Kan in the initial plan, but suddenly the rounded up hurriedly and break even. Come here and indeed, drifted high mountain scenery. With the help of thick iron chains, barely finished climbing up the rock face. And I think bout followed by 険路 cannot be topped once again しがみつかなければ ladder, tree roots, iron chains, but the deep woods. Continue climbing about small jar, then appeared was in the low ground-creeping amurian. Poking of creamy white flowers mixed with pine Bush, still low rhododendron (the botanical name according to the florae of Miyoshi, Makino), showed a strange contrast with the dark green of the Pine Bush. Climb, these plants also have been decreasing gradually. Opened the fabulous views of the huge flowers, stone was so Rocky, deeply gouged ravines. Large granite at the impending Summit, Chinese characters carved and stood toward the sky. In the Buddhist Holy Scriptures. Further violent wind and cold.
5:30, we overcome and over 2400 meters elevation, finally stood on the top. I also take anyway, first off, there's far Northwest, majestic Japan Alps mountains to show for the day. Miyun Rollin' large over Japan Alps, which is what mountain? no idea. Around 360 degrees and mountains had spread to the ocean. The massif of Mt. 8 strikingly looming just around the corner, stretched on the other side of the tenryu River shimmering far below the mountains in Nagano. Dough was pyramid-shaped bulk high in the sky, but firm and Mt. Fuji, the symbol of Japan go anywhere if you look at the South, always look for want to be. Was sticking out from the blackish yellow granite rock face, eyes and nose to the Summit of Mt. Shirane and SC-style mountain looming forest green. I am standing on the spot, kept focused my eyes and solemn. When unknown first from a far higher blood throbbing. You can figure this out is only the soul of the Mountaineer. Yugiri, vaguely that rises from the tenryū River Valley, the Sun had declined gradually deeper and deeper. Time must be seen going down the mountain, including wrapping the top of the Mt. Fuji 端厳 light reddish.
In the forested areas already ruled the deep twilight. Back at the camp with a stone while holding on to the ladder, tree roots, chain was by 7:30. There was bustling with activity. While we were getting up 8 faith climbers. They enclose the making a fire burning in a circle, they were eager to get ready for dinner. While moving the hand food to their words, was making the sound of laughter. Ashoka, gusto had no qualms about expression. As a result, until my heart became cheerful feelings, was lost for a while. But, unfortunately, had to be there in that couldn't begin to understand conversation witty said amusedly. Bring can be inexpensive as well as they finished dinner, and now sucking pipe and then cloak on, and laid the body. Silence began to drift. Have to sleep anymore I think about time. I, from the hut collapsed plate clean with precious statues of Saints come and substitute Chair, dressed in a rain coat to the kneecap, in Kobo Daishi becomes 博大----to leaned. Wasn't too comfortable, had fallen asleep before one is aware. Under the action of the day was.


In a gust of cold wind spring involuntarily. Watch, and still was at midnight. Hollow Moon told a mysterious glow and threw trees and treetops to encampment to light. Embers of the slumbering pilgrims making a fire was burning still weak. However, they are bright. Added, fire will flare again, lively chatter has been resumed. Soon began breakfast. Their breakfast is in the grasp of an oversized brown skin of monogataki fire, warmed, was 漂washite the aroma seems really intriguing Japanese appetite. They quench your thirst of the throat in turn then watering example toward the feet. Sound rattling, rather they are indispensable in the morning Japan-sounded like music in the Woods. Then the pilgrims who began preparations for departure.
Ago leaving they devote the morning prayer, the line in front of the statue. Until this morning prayer, where attractive and strange sight cannot forget. On the rock face in the Moonlight illuminated the Dim outline of the statue had been projected. Continue to pray



最終更新日  2021年04月09日 05時06分41秒
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