こんばんはです。え~充電が一応終わりましたけど今度はカメラの調子が悪いです。充電し終わった電池をセットして電源を入れました~プツン!・・・切れちゃいました。一瞬起動したみたいですけどすぐに切れてしばらく何も操作できない状態に(汗)ちょっとちょっと、今からという時に・・・どうしましょうかね?最近給食時の放送で何年か前の音楽がよく流れます。多分誰かがリクエストしたんだと思いますが聴いててあの曲あのCMに使われてたよな~とか結構ボソボソつぶやいてます。それでこの前珍しく『ポップンミュージック』の曲が2つ流れたので歌詞載せます。この曲をリクエストした人はAkinoさんのファンなんだろうと思われます。まぁ単に曲が好きなだけかもしれませんが。あ、ちなみに全部歌詞英語です。☆the keel ~Long ver.~☆(ポップン11)when you have a lighter light up for the fighterkick before the red bubblelisten to the liar "goddess kill the tyrant" 40th morning ritewe run to thereFly and life your lies belongs tonight and die you made a holy worldchill you by the nightmaresix sense of a flower takes me to the right bubblewe can find a fire made in dinosaurrelax your finger e-mails will be therefly and life your lies belongs toeyes of pride the goddess find younight and die you made a holy worlda wicked witches' sabbathmummy of lizardsa wicked witches' sabbathmummy of lizardsthe final message for blue searelease me from the keela wicked witches' sabbathmummy of lizardsterrify the liarShake your hair of fireSay <ya la li, lay ya la cWe can find a bible made in dinosaurDebag the winner, evils will be thenfly and life your lies belongs toeyes of pride the goddess find youfly and life your lies belongs toeyes of pride the goddess find youfly and life your lies belongs toeyes of pride the goddess find youfly and life your lies belongs toeyes of pride the goddess find younight and die you made a holy worlda wicked witches' sabbathmummy of lizardsa wicked witches' sabbathmummy of lizardsthe final message for blue searelease me from the keela wicked witches' sabbathmummy of lizardsa wicked witches' sabbathmummy of lizards ☆Dar[k]wish☆(ポップン13)I'm the queen of dark underworld. Fire and worm.Crows and spiders dance till dawn that will never come.Lift your torch and shout to the darkness.Stamp with haunted drums.We are holding guilty party, you've never hear.There's an empty bony dealer who never lose.Tiny bugs are eating iron till the end of world.All I want is ugly endless lust of human race.Now I have a chance to be queen of the whole world.Come to my race. Raise your rages for this tort again.Put your hands up. Stamp your feet until call "31".Shake your heads down. Break your legs.It will be night again.Make the new world.Chase your groove in this dark carnival tonight.Screaming faces, beady eyes are usual in this world.Boring teasers, shaky losers clustered on downstairs.I can see those ugly urges to hear my voices.What's your poison? Drink to death and gravel in the dirt.Take the fire, wave your saber, frequency of worse.Trance of villain, heads are whirling, dance on end of world.All I want is glaring surface, it's my voices.Now I have to rise to the top of the whole world.Come to my race. Raise your rages for this tort again.Put your hands up. Stamp your feet until call "31".Shake your heads down. Break your legs.It will be night again.Make the new world.Chase your groove in this dark carnival tonight.Now I have a chance to be queen of the whole world.Come to my race. Raise your rages for this tort again.Put your hands up. Stamp your feet until call "31".Come to my race. Raise your rages for this tort again.Put your hands up. Stamp your feet until call "31".Come to my race. Raise your rages for this tort again.Put your hands up. Stamp your feet until call "31".Come to my race. Raise your rages for this tort again.Put your hands up. Stamp your feet until call "31".Come to my race. Raise your rages for this tort again.Put your hands up. Stamp your feet until call "31".Shake your heads down. Break your legs.It will be night again.Make the new world.Chase your groove in this dark carnival tonight. はい、以上です。意味が少し分からなかったりしますが私はこの曲結構好きです。ポップンで何回も繰り返しやってたりするので。とりあえずどっちも懐かしいですね。ポップンやりたくなってきた~。You-Tubeで上記の曲を聴けますよ。直はできませんのでコピペかなんかしてください。http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=MYdf50nhmlc(the keel )http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=6G7OEvpEuIs (Dar[k]wish)