Once I start to study English,
I always get to want to mix up English and Japanese. Anyway,I ate too much yesterday. I realized that indigestion is induced by overeating.I have no appetite today, but I'll cook 甘塩たらのトマトソース煮込み for supper.I bet my familly have appetite as usual. I do as a cookbook says today. Don't change anything ,don't be like NODAME when she plays the piano. Please.I bought a textboook 神戸学検定. It was published by 神戸新聞総合出版センター. It is神戸学検定,not 神戸検定,so the content of the textbook is written on various topics,not only on tourist spots.It includes KOBE's culture, education, international cultural exchanges, history, local legends, economics, industries, 阪神淡路大震災, nature, and finally tourism.I pass the exam and get some benefits . I like KOBE.