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ミナha@ Re[1]:宮古島から(01/27) これからもよろしく~です。-。- 訂正…
ミナha@ Re:宮古島から(01/27) 久しぶりです。私も埼玉県人です。^^ …
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Dec 3, 2005
食わず嫌い っていうタイトルなのに、 
テーマが 「語学大好き」・・・??

You may have some likes and dislikes.
I guess everyone has some.

Yes, I also do.
I like all languages except French.


Maybe you never imagined I was writing about languages.

I don't like French because....
because......., because....... almost no reason......
But I don't like it.....

But when someone asks me why not, I usually answer
"French is full of wasteful letters that are not pronounced."
and "Besides French way of counting numbers is weird
like Mr. Ishihara, the governor of Tokyo, once said."

I call myself a language mania, which means I am very interested in
any languages. But French has never interested me before.

I have some books of learning English, Spanish, Chinese,
Cantonese, Korean, Thai,Vietnamese and some more but French.

Isn't it like you hate Natto without trying it?
Don't you say "I hate Natto." even though you have never tried it?

OK. You try it, Natto-haters!
I will try French if you try it.
Or if I try French, you will try Natto?

Actually I bought a book of French learning at a used bookstore.
It cost me almost half the regular price. It was inexpensive.
I had never even tried to buy any book of French learning,
So I think my buying the book was a big step forward.
I just bought the book, though...

I think I will get over it sooner or later.
(I don't mean I master the language, but I get to like it.)

It is "Kuwazugirai" in Japanese, right?
It is not good.

PS:Don't get me wrong. It doesn't mean I don't like France or French people.


Last updated  Dec 3, 2005 10:32:51 AM
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