こんばんは。週末の「DATE LINE」、西園寺俊介です。母さん、あの石の番人、どうしたでせうね?昨日勢いで作ってしまった上の詩を思い出しつつ、今日も先ほど、録画した「ふたりはプリキュア」24話を見ました。今日の話は、先週の部の合宿で起きた事件の続きでしたね。今回も緊迫したシーンが相次ぎましたが、やはり一番緊迫したのは、イルクーボとプリキュアの対決シーンではないでしょうか?鉄骨が二人に落ちてくる時、どうなっちゃうの?と思ったらCMに入るのが印象的だったと思います。あの方法は、バラエティーによく見られる方法ですよね!僕は、あのシーンなら「火曜サスペンス劇場」のCM前に入るあのBGMでも十分通用できると思ったのですが・・・(笑)!また、ミップルとメップルのお尻にあるプリズムストーンがイルクーボに取られるシーンでは、本当に大変な事になったと思いました。新たな力を得て、更に強力になるのではと、あの時は見ていて心配になりましたね!しかし、最後は7つ全部が集まったプリズムストーンの力に押されたイルクーボが二発目のプリキュア・マーブル・スクリューで倒される結果となりました。正直、(やっと倒したか・・・)と嬉しさと同時にそう思いました。あと、無事に石の番人を取り戻すことが出来たのは、何よりも良かったですね!その他、印象に残ったシーンは、冒頭の教頭先生が生徒に説明中に涙ぐむシーン、アカネさんが寝ているとなぎさが思って起こすと倒れるシーン(サスペンスもので出てくるシーンでは?)、最後の方で登場した新キャラクター・ポルンが駄々をこねるシーンが上げられます。・その他のニュース△曽我さん一家再会でJALvsANA“仁義なき1円入札”△「キューバは売春観光地」ブッシュ大統領が非難では、今日はこの辺で。Good evening. They are "DATE LINE" of a weekend, and Saionji temple Shunsuke. a mother and the keeper of that stone -- how -- probably it carried out "Two persons are PURIKYUA" 24 talk of having also recorded the point on videotape today was seen remembering poetry when it has made from vigor yesterday. Was today's talk the continuation of an incident which occurred at the training camp of a part last week? although the scene which also became tense this time succeeded one another, the confrontation scene of IRUKUBO and PURIKYUA became tense most too -- if becoming [ what ] ? is thought when ? steel frame falls into two persons, I will think that having gone into CM was impressive That method is a method often seen in variety! If I was that scene, although that BGM that enters before CM of the "Tuesday suspense theater" was also regarded as valid enough ...! The prism stone on the hips of MIPPURU and MEPPURU thought that it became a really serious thing on the scene taken at IRUKUBO again. New power is acquired and you expect at that time that it may become still more powerful. Did you become anxious? However, the seven last brought a result on which IRUKUBO pushed on the power of a prism stone in which all gathered is pushed down with the "purikyua marble screw" of the second shot. I thought so that it was simultaneous with a joy with honesty (or it pushed down at last, ...). Was it better than anything the back that the keeper of a stone was able to be regained safely? The scene (the scene which is a suspense thing and comes out ?) which will fall if a beach regards the scene which remained in the impression in addition to this as the scene moved to tears while the deputy schoolmaster teacher of the beginning explains to a student, and Miss.AKANE sleeping and it starts, and the scene which new character PORUN which appeared in the last direction asks for the impossible are raised.It is this neighborhood today.