末次通訳事務所の活動報告です Jun.25分 職業教育
末次通訳事務所の活動報告です Jun.25分 職業教育Yesterday, Jun.25, I visited a primary school in Wakamatsu Ward,Kitakyushu City.How did I go to Wakamatsu?-I took a JR train to Wakamatsu fromJR Urata Sation near my house. When I got to Wakamatsu, I becamestunned to realize Wakamatsu Sta. is an already no-manned station.The station used to be very busy in 1960s and '70s thanks to the briskeconomy brought about by coal-mining and steel-making industries.But now the station has totally lost what it used be.I took a taxi to visit the school. I had no other choice, because I was notfamiliar with the transportation from the station to the school.I got to the school about 1p.m., then I saw different experts there.I joined them, and our group of different occupational experts providedthe students of 5th and 6th grades with our own various ideas aboutfinding dreams, occupational dreams, getting a job and how important it is to get a job, hopefully a life-long job.Yesterday about 30 people from different fields got together for thiscareer education at the school. I'm one of them.There is a large-scale society in Kitakysuhu which conducts the career educationat different levels of schools in Kitakyushu, Chikuho except for Iizukaand some surrounding areas.I joined this society early this year, and since then I have visitedseveral schools (primary schools and Jr. high schools).I always share with students some tips on how to find their ownoccupational dreams and how to achieve them without fail.Then, yesterday, I became very happy to find at least two boysamong the students are judo wrestlers.This is my first time to see such kid judo wrestlers among schoolstudents. I was able to identify them as judo wrestlers the momentI saw them among the students. They really looked to be judo wrestlers.During the recess, I requested one of them to do 打ち込み with me.Even though we did not wear judo-gi, he did 打ち込み of 払い腰 with me.He showed some hesitation but he showed me his speedy movement.These days, the number of kid judo wrestlers has been decreasing in Japan.So, I was very happy to see the two judo wrestlers among the students.Looking back to the students I talked with yesterday,all of them told me that they have their own occupationaldreams, which was very interesting to me.This week, I am supposed to visit another primary school.It is in Nogata City.Then, next month, I am scheduled to visit two high schools.These visits are really exciting to me.The meeting with children reminds me of various memoriesin my childhood and has inspired me a lot to achieve my own new dreams.By the way, if you are interested in joining our volunteering society,please let me know.This is because the number of occupational experts to visit the high schoolsis short now. This society hopes to have more occupational experts tojoin in.北九州キャリア教育研究会では、職業教育である夢授業に協力をして頂ける方を更に探していらっしゃいます。もし、英語学習者の皆様で、ご希望がある方は、私にお知らせ下さいませ。関係者にご紹介いたします。末次通訳事務所・末次賢治拝