【July 20th, 2007】
口語表現が多く、勉強になりますよ!! 占い自体に意図はないです
★ おひつじ座:
Your schedule is more hectic and busy than usual.
★ おうし座:
Summon your guardian angels.
★ ふたご座:
Become resolute to identify and pursue your chief purpose in life.
★ かに座:
A graded or tiered evaluation is possible.
★ しし座:
With a few oblique adjustments you can do
some useful intellectual work.
★ おとめ座:
Buy the tools you need to do what you were born to do.
★ てんびん座:
A joyous discovery is to be made.
★ さそり座:
Find something to sell, give away, throw out or burn.
★ いて座:
Your staying power is second to none. Now learn to let go.
★ やぎ座:
Expand your communication lines.
★ みずがめ座:
A severe storm warning is issued for your immediate emotional environment.
★ うお座:
Create a workable and livable situation.
英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝
2007年07月20日 11時02分10秒