【August 10th, 2007】
口語表現が多く、勉強になりますよ!! 占い自体に意図はないです
★ おひつじ座:
Enjoy some pleasurable romantic fantasy.
★ おうし座:
Do not confuse actors with their roles.
★ ふたご座:
You can have many fresh and original ideas.
★ かに座:
You will need your energy to make repairs.
★ しし座:
Set some realistic yet inspiring confidential goals.
★ おとめ座:
Talk about mysticism and magic.
★ てんびん座:
Without you doing anything further people will
respond to the signals you have sent.
★ さそり座:
Expect greater energy to become available to you.
★ いて座:
You are encouraged to spend time with those who support you.
★ やぎ座:
Make a concerted effort to listen to people.
★ みずがめ座:
You have an opportunity to make yourself heard.
★ うお座:
Take advantage of the opportunity to
demonstrate your compassion as well as your personal power.
英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝
2007年08月10日 06時44分12秒