○Oct. 1st 英語星占いです
★お羊座:You can make a good impression now.
★牡牛座:Be constructive and you will be rewarded.
★双子座:Enjoy more fine times during the work day.
Be sure to rest; energize, nurse yourself and focus on your recuperative powers.
★獅子座:Do your bit to offer comfort, support and sustenance to the world.
Build character by overcoming any limitations placed upon you by your old reputation.
★天秤座:Excellent ideas require time and effort now.
★蠍座: Clear the air. Speak up.
If you focus your intensity and put it to constructive use, you can overcome almost any obstacle.
When you can throw yourself wholeheartedly into your partnerships, you are a winner.
★水瓶座:Fresh, clean clear water is favored now. Enjoy a long cool drink.
★魚座: Do whatever it takes to become more powerful.
2008年10月01日 14時26分30秒