★お羊座:Do something positive and conducive to your own good health.
★牡牛座:It is time to get beneath the surface.
Conditions are ideal to improve your love life by making your home a more lovely place.
★蟹座 :Work to separate your feelings from the feelings of other people.
★獅子座:You have license to be greater and greater.
★乙女座:If you feel isolated, it is because you are setting yourself apart.
★天秤座:You can attract and enjoy what you love.
★蠍座 :Gather and exchange information. Get informed.
★射手座:A lesson from Zen is favored.
★山羊座:Dare to explore your most interesting idea now.
★水瓶座:It is time to look at trend changes and indicators.
★魚座 :You could be sensitive, hypersensitive or supersensitive.
2009年09月01日 08時36分15秒