I just came home from a local hot spring center named
こうの湯温泉 in 伊川温泉 whose hot spring reportedly works well
against gout, 痛風 which has given me a terrible pain
for recent years.
こうの湯温泉 is just one of the hot spring facilities
in the area called 伊川温泉.
I knew about this onsen but have missed an opportunity to get there although I did want to get there to bathe myself for the purpose of curing my gout or easing its symptoms.
I went there for the first time in my life this evening.
Their explanation says that the type of their hot spring
contain some amount of radiation in it which works good against
I was in the hot water for over 60 min and so, probably because of this, my feet and hands become very itchy now.
I don't think I can et the good effect from this onsen so quickly,
and I know that I need to bathe myself there on a regular basis
for a long time. I have decided to get there two or three times a week.
Their fee is as high as 600 yen, comparing to an average of 300 yen in other
areas of hot spring in Kyushu.
I do want to cure my gout completely to be able to come back as
a splendid sambo wrestlers as I used to be just 10 years ago.
By the way, I have a question to those who live in Chikuho Area?
Have you read the latest issue of 筑豊ジャーナル, one of our local
free information magazines.
Its cover shows the two words 「Beauty and Hearth」.
I got stunned. It should be "Health."
I already sent an email of request to them so that they
will start to rely on and ask me for advice when they
try to use any English words in their free magazine.