辞書にて確認ください。 a train of rains は、雨が何日も降り続くこと
a train of thought は、ずーと色々と考えている事 ですね
Your workers are all well-trained, aren't they? 「御社の社員の皆さんは全員良く躾けられていますね」
These students aren't well-trained. 「ここの生徒らは行儀悪い」
My dogs are well-trained. 「うちで飼っている犬はみなよく躾けられています」
I'm not well-trained in music.と言うと、「音楽の教育はあまり受けていないんです」となります。
「猿回しのおじさん」は、a monkey trainer. ですね
The animals in the circus are all well-trained to show wonderful performances.
Mr. Tanaka trains his sales persons to develop a couple of funny performances
to show to their own customers.
The following shows you the riddles which may test
your sense of humor (ユーモアセンス)and sense of English language(英語感覚):
#1 What's in the middle of Paris?
a) Lake b) R
#2 What are the largest kind of ants?
a) Aunts. b) Giants.
#3 What are you doing when you sleep soundly?
a) Snoring b) Dreaming
#4 What asks no questions, but receives lots of answers?
a) A telephone b) A teacher
#5 What do you go out for and never get?
a) A snowman b) walk
#6 Why is there a mother's day, a father's day, but not a
sun's day?
a) Because a son is not a parent.
b) Because there is a Sunday every week.
#7 Which has more legs, a cow or no cow?
a) a cow b) no cow
#8 Which moves faster, heat or cold?
a) heat b) cold
#9 How many relatives depend on you for a living?
a) Nobody
b) Your uncles, aunts and cousins, because without U
they could not exist.
#10 How can you prove that twice ten is the same as twice eleven?
a) Because the difference ten and eleven is negligible.
b) Because twice ten is twenty, and twice eleven is twenty too.