★懐石料理は、a light/simple meal served before a tea ceremony. ですね
*小菜: 鹿児島産筍 烏賊 独活 木の芽和え
Small Appetizer:
Marinated bamboo shoots from Kagoshima, squid, udo salad-plant
and Japanese pepper’s young buds.
*旬肴: 桜サーモン 菜の花 越後ハム 桜枝 鯛塩辛
叩き芋 桜道明寺 蚕豆
Seasonal Appetizer:
Cherry-tasted sliced salmon and Echigo ham slices beautifully decorated with divine cherry tree’s branches and rape flowers,
together with sea-bream guts pickled in salt,
sticky-ground Japanese yam, rice cakes and horse-beans.
*椀物: 清汁仕立て 鮎並葛叩き 神馬草 白瓜 梅肉
Soup-type Appetizer:
Sliced fat-greenling deliciously dressed with powered arrowroot
together with local jimbaso-see weed, pepo and ume-plum flesh.
*造里: 新潟沖旬魚 本鮪 真鯛 牡丹 あしらい一式
Raw Fish Slice Plate:
Professionally & beautifully arranged slices of seasonal blue-fin tuna and sea bream from the see off Niigata.
*焼物: 焼きたらば蟹 檸檬
Grilled Dish:Grilled King Crab with lemon.
*強肴: 黒毛和牛とまと煮 彩り野菜 摘みクレソン
Cooked Dish:
Black-Fur Wagyu (Japanese beef) deliciously simmered with tomatoes,
together with well-balanced vegetables and watercress.
*温物: 桜大根潮煮 斤目鯛 菜の花 桜餡 木の芽
Warm Dish:
Delicious Sakura-Radish simmered with salt, together with alfonsin
(gold-eyed sea bream), rape flowers, Japanese pepper’s young bud
and cherry-tasted bean jam.
*鍋物: 佐渡沖産 鮟鱇鍋肝味噌仕立て 春菊 白菜 舞茸
One-Pot (Nabe) Dish :
Liver of seasonal Sea Toad from the sea off Sado simmered with miso
together with garland chrysanthemum, Chinese cabbage and Grifola frondosa (Maitake-mushroom.)
*油物: 甘海老新文揚げ 春野菜 旨出汁
Deep-fried sweet-shrimps (deepwater shrimp) and spring vegetables
together with tasty dipping sauce.
*止椀: 赤出汁 岩海苔
Miso Soup:Red-miso soup & laver.
*音物: 三種盛り
Pickled Vegetables:Three popular pickles.
*甘味: 林檎クラフティー 西瓜 いちご
Desserts:Apple clafoutis together with cut watermelon and strawberries.