Today I visited Miyawaka East Jr.HS (宮若東中学校) to join a career education named ”夢授業” there. Not only I but also about 20 or so adults of different occupations joind this event.
It is a new and renovated junior high school. When I stepped into its gym, where this event was held, I found 武道場 in the same building. Then, I asked a teacher there to let me check the judo-jo (柔道場). It is a new and nice 柔道場. I practiced self-forward-revolving ukemi, about 10 times. Then, I got surprised that I felt tired just by doing 受け身。 前方回転受け身を連続して10回はしましたが、息が上がってしまい、驚きました。これは、まったく体がなまってしまっています。頑張って運動しないと。
こちらの生徒の皆さんは、全員、ありがとうございます、という習慣が身についていて、とても心地よかったです。I fond it out that every student said "thank you" to me every time I answered their question. Nice behavior, I am sure.