| カテゴリ未分類
| 通・翻訳
| サンボ・柔道・レスリング
| 将棋
| 武道・宮本武蔵
| ◎我流・ビジネス観
| その他雑感
| ◎武道と英語(接点)
| ◎間違い・でたらめ英語
| Ken's Diary
| ★英語での星占い
| ☆映画英語☆
| <末次哲学>
| 門下生関係
| ★Headline News (Updated)
| ★無料 「英作課題」(戦略的英語稽古)
| ★弊所週間ニュース★
| ☆通翻訳公開コンテスト(勝負!)
| ★活動報告★
| NEWS RELEASE 弊所・新サービス発表
| ○二刀流・ビジネス英語講義○
| ☆貿易&貿易英語 講義
| ○【HAVE】の使い方講義
| ○【前置詞の使い方】講義
| ○【トム&ジェリー】英語講座
| ○【創業・10周年記念行事】←
| ☆斬新文法講義=【英語語法講義】
| ○【無料】通じる英語のカギ資料・ご案内
| ○<創業10周年記念>【無料】通信講座
| ○【無料】英語通信講座<各種>
| ○<月例>懸賞英語クイズ☆
| ○斬新!英文法講義
| ○二天流講義 (月/ジャズの英語)
| ○モニター、プレゼント情報
| ◎独自の英語資料などの販売案内
| ○広報・二刀流通信09~
| ◎二刀流・日⇒英通翻訳技術○
| ◆初級者向:英語講義(課題付き)
| ◇弊社・メディア記事◇
| ○硬貨活用英語練習シリーズ
| ○楽しい英語クイズ(無料添削します)
| ○通訳稽古:タイムショック問題活用で
| ◎通信文サンプル(広報文サンプル)
| ◇英語通翻訳通信講座⇒講義&課題ほか◆
| ◆「ボランティア活動」と「ボランティア無料翻訳・通訳サービス」◆
| ご案内!日本全国の皆様がたへ
| ◎【末次商店のPR】
| 落語((KENの落語))
| ★如何にして英語を学習するか?講義
| ◇【英語で何て言う課】とPlain English
| ◇「飯塚eマナビ組織」への批判!! & 【飯塚市行政と公民館運営への批判!】
| 「二刀流英語講義・通じる英語の技術」の配信
| ☆彡2018→~英語語法&文法課題集~
| ★【日々の英語/語法課題】Sep/2018~
| ★【日々の英語通訳翻訳課題 Sep/2018~】
| ☆モニター(各種)活動☆
| ☆彡【英語実用の「大講義集」】as Ken's Will
| [英語聴取理解」or通訳練習プロ/上級向け(mainly 英語→日本語)
| [聴き取り:中級と初級向け」
| 英語理解課題(英語看板他各種の題材から)
| 【飯塚商店街まちゼミ・英語教室】
| 【飯塚・元気子供食堂】
| 英国・ロンドン関係
| 【無料】での英語学習支援サービスのご案内
| 【まちぜみ】➡【英語通訳セミナー(中学1年~2年の内容で出来る通訳練習)
| 職業教育(末次式職業教育)と夢授業
| Piano Concerto Classical Music
| 柔道関節技・角田選手
| 米映画 The Apartment アパートの鍵貸します
| 芸能関係 EroEntertainment!
| 1960年代のアメリカマンガ
| ◎通訳練習講義集+課題付き (有)末次通訳事務所
| 『巨人の星』・野球の鬼・星一徹コーチ
| 小沢昭一の小沢昭一的こころ
| ビートたけし、ツービート
| 猫ちゃん Cats
| 芸能・Entertainment事業部/(有)末次通訳事務所
| 【重要】(有)末次通訳事務所について<概要/詳細/情報とお知らせ等>
| ◎市民英語講座・市民英会話練習講座
| ★貿易英語講座=損を出さないための末次式の「英語」の使い方★
| ロンドンの街中での英語学習・各種看板他 末次式
| 川口さん
| 野球・捕手・野球関係
| ごく自然な身の回りのモノ・食材から英語学習をしましょう!という末次式英語教授法
| ◎通翻訳講習
| 天文
| 【音読題材】英語練習音読題材
| 〇ラジオ『テレフォン人生相談』
| ★末次通訳事務所の【主要作業&活動実績】
| 【論理的な意見の書き方】実例集
| 『アメリカ交響楽』映画と英語
| ★英検等&大学入試に向けた英語語法等問題
| ★英語市民講座関係
| ★飲食店メニュー英語訳など
| ★渥美清さん・『男はつらいよ!』
| ドラマ『あかんたれ』花登筺著作
| ★学校英語文法(中学高校生向け)
| ・観劇感想など
| ・★★英語市民講座★★・
| ◎筑豊の石炭産業関係★
| ★英語訳/和訳(翻訳実例)実例★
| ★「飯塚市婦人会」& 「NPO法人フードバンク飯塚」
| 批判!!!!【飯塚市の行政&飯塚市の教育行政などの問題点】
| ・【NPO法人フードバンク飯塚】関係の情報
| ★お芝居:『天狗と呼ばれた男・岡部平太物語』関係
| ◎飯塚市婦人会広報ボランティア各種活動=「お得情報等」の告知等
| ・【飯塚市の『行政』から「健全市民を守る」会】
| ★「英単語」学習←身近な題材で!
| ★新事業:学校での子供らによる「虐め(いじめ)」問題の【解決の取組み】・ご相談
| ★通信講座(英語通訳翻訳者育成の通信講座)関係★
| ★食品安全モニター活動★
| ★英語通訳翻訳実績集 2024年を中心に★
| 岡部平太さんに付いて
| ・中学高校生時代・大学生時代
| ・【受講者/門下生】募集中です!末次通訳事務所(英語、護身術、将棋他)
| ★末次賢治が尊敬する偉人・先人の皆さん方
| ひとり親家庭を支援する慈善取り組み
| ◎テレビ局(ラジオ局)の番組モニター情報◎
| ◎アメリカの掲示物や看板類からの英語学習❤️
| 【筑豊石炭産業資料所】
| ★【重要】★ ・「虚偽の翻訳案件による詐欺事件の全貌」・
| ◎「鯰田浦田子ども食堂」⇒ひとり親の子育て世帯を助ける活動&慈善事業
| ◎「ふくおかフードビジネスマッチングモニター活動」←「モニター活動の一つの事例」
| ★年頭恒例・英語初稽古のご案内と実施内容の御紹介など
| ・英語のコツ連載分(ふくおか経済ほか)
| ◎英語授業&練習内容の記録とご紹介
| <<2022 英語コレポン技術公開>>
| gout 痛風
| ・中学生/高校生向け英語習得のための英語語法文法講義・
| ・身の回りの英語表現から英語学習#2
| アメリカの看板で英語学習
| ★大学への受験生(高3年生や浪人の人達)向け:英語語法・英語講義など★
| ★国語力向上の為と 小論文などの訓練としての投稿術と実例★
| ◎2022年度 八木山小学校スクールサポーターのお仕事◎
| 英語の慣用表現/ 熟語表現シリーズ
| ★学習塾との提携関係・飯塚セミナー塾との提携
| ・音読題材 英語練習として
| ◎思考問題
| 2022旅と出張
| 2023~「女性を守る取り組み、「子供のための安全防犯」情報と防災情報
| ◎求人の情報◎
| ★楽しい懸賞活動★
| 業務展開に付いて<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所
| ★芸能部★
| ☆彡医療通訳☆彡
| ◎これまでの弊社による通訳/翻訳業務実績集(ご参考までにどうぞ)
| ・☆彡クロスワードパズル関係☆彡
| ◎各種のイベント紹介◎
| 子どもらの国際交流関係
皆さま、こんにちわ 英語通訳者の末次で御座います お元気でいらっしゃいますか?? 最近は、当社では、病院や歯科医院での 通訳業務が増えております。 電子メールや音声授業を通して 英語通訳や翻訳の授業他を実施して参りましたが 長年展開しておりますが、 英語通訳翻訳者を志望する方は多いのですが なかなか厳しい世界ですし、 何より、独力が大切な世界ですから、 いままで、授業などを通して皆様と 接しておりましたが、見込みのない方ばかりです。 故に、授業自体を辞めてしまいました。 小職が理由を問わず授業を停止・中断 休止となっているのは、その方は見込みがない為です 真に恐縮ですが、あとは皆さま各自、独力で 頑張って下さいませ 独力で頑張るという事が分かっていない方々でした。 ですが、教えを受けても独力性を生かして 前進しないと、なかなかこの世界ではご飯が 食べて行かれませんですね ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ さて、年末のプレゼントです 下記の表現集をお送りいたします ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 分からない表現等はご自身で意味など お調べ下さいませ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ★永久保存版★ ★使える熟語表現集★ 12/7 受講者の皆様へ Idiomatic Expressions ①~⑮ 全て一目で分かりますか? 分からない表現があれば、先ずは、ご自身で調べましょう Idiomatic Expressions ① 1. “It’s forty dollars altogether, sir.” “Here you are.” 2. Here we are at the theater. 3. They say his company will go bankrupt. 4. What’s the matter with you? 5. What has become of her? 6. “Thanks a lot.” “You’re welcome.” 7. There is no telling how long their quarrel will last. Idiomatic Expressions ② 1. Keep your [an] eye on the children. 2. She lives in the suburbs. 3. The apartment house has changed hands again. 4. I had trouble finding her. 5. She is busy keeping house. 6. I want to make friends with her. 7. My parents are behind the times. 8. I have to hit the books this evening. 9. She graduated with honors. 10. They took turns playing the guitar. Idiomatic Expressions ③ 1. They went on a picnic last Sunday. 2. Why don’t you take a chance? 3. In a sense he is right. 4. There was nothing but water as far as the eye could see. 5. By the way, do you have time this afternoon? 6. On the whole it was an interesting game. 7. I have sent you my brother’s picture by mistake. 8. Were you in time for school? 9. He did it on purpose. 10. The boy in question didn’t come to school today. Idiomatic Expressions ④ 1. You should build up your reserve fund for a rainy day. 2. The other day I came across a rare book. 3. Let’s carry out the plan as soon as possible. 4. You should give up smoking. 5. The company laid off some of its employees. 6. Please look up the time of the next train for Kyoto. 7. How did you make out with your interview with my boss? 8. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 9. He came all the way to see me off. 10. I’d like to stop over in Honolulu on my way home. Idiomatic Expressions ⑤ 1. He is so fast that I can’t catch up with him. 2. We should do away with this regulation. 3. He doesn’t get along with his neighbors. 4. He went in for fishing when he was young. 5. Keep way from the animals. 6. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 7. Who’s going to make up for the damage? 8. I can’t put up with his bad manners. Idiomatic Expressions ⑥ 1. She is accustomed to drinking strong coffee. 2. Aren’t you ashamed of behaving like that in public? 3. He was caught in a shower yesterday. 4. We are all concerned about her health. 5. I am convinced of his sincerity. 6. In Japan today, not so many people are engaged in agriculture. 7. He is interested in all kinds of sports. 8. He was involved in the accident. 9. I am opposed to his proposal. 10. I am sick and tired of Western food. Idiomatic Expressions ⑦ 1. I would like to take a shower first. 2. Would you rather stay home than go to the movies? 3. It’s time we made a decision. 4. She talks as if she knew everything. 5. You had better see a doctor. 6. You might as well eat it now. 7. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 8. You should have told me the truth. Idiomatic Expressions ⑧ 1. He is anything but a good athlete. 2. My father is far from rich. 3. The road is free from snow now. 4. I have nothing to do with him. 5. Keiko is no less charming than Yumi. 6. That’s none of your business. 7. The price of this book is none too high. 8. He is not much of a baseball player. 9. It is nothing but a joke. 10. She can speak French, to say nothing of English. Idiomatic Expressions ⑨ 1. We can’t reach Kyoto before seven at best. 2. The book costs at least \10,000. 3. She is fifty years old at most. 4. The cherry blossoms here are at their best now. 5. I got the better of him in the final set. 6. You should make the most of your chance to study abroad. 7. More often than not, she stayed home all by herself. 8. He is more or less interested in politics. 9. I was more than pleased to hear from you again. 10. She will marry him sooner or later. Idiomatic Expressions ⑩ 1. As far as I know, she won’t marry him. 2. We hoped the situation in the Middle East would improve, but as it is, things are getting worse there. 3. Please stay with us as long as you like. 4. Finish your work as soon as you can. 5. Playing tennis is good exercise as well as fun. 6. She left home early in the morning for fear that she might miss the first train. 7. We are saving our money in order that we may buy a house. 8. It is true that she is beautiful, but she is stuck-up. 9. He is not only kind but also generous. 10. Now that you are well again, you can enjoy traveling. Idiomatic Expressions ⑪ 1. Come what may, I’m prepared for it. 2. They sell foodstuffs, toys, books, and what have you. 3. She has what it takes. 4. What is more, he won the Rookie of the Year Award. 5. What was worse, his wife was hospitalized. 6. She is not what she used to be. 7. She is what you call a women’s libber. 8. When it comes to gardening, he knows what is what. 9. What with the wind and the rain, the game was spoiled. Idiomatic Expressions ⑫ 1. She played golf after a fashion. 2. As regards accommodations, you don’t have to worry. 3. He worked at the cost of his health. 4. The attempt failed for want of public support. 5. In case of fire, dial 119. 6. In consideration of his young age, he was not punished. 7. In the course of discussion the problem came to the fore. 8. How much did you pay him in return for his work? 9. The game was postponed on account of the snow. 10. It was a mistake on the part of the bank. Idiomatic Expressions ⑬ 1. I couldn’t help laughing at him. 2. I don’t feel like swimming now. 3. Generally speaking, the climate here is mild. 4. Granting [Granted] that your story is true, I still trust him. 5. Speaking of traveling, why don’t we go to Hawaii this summer? 6. Judging from his accent, he is an Australian. 7. To be frank with you, I’m broke. 8. To do her justice, she is a better cook than I. 9. To tell the truth, I was educated in Europe. 10. She is not used to speaking in public. Idiomatic Expressions ⑭ 1. I am anxious about her health. 2. You should be careful about your weight. 3. She is quite different from us. 4. Are you familiar with the streets around here? 5. She is fond of Japanese music. 6. He is ignorant of his own country. 7. She wants to be independent of her parents. 8. Miss Uemura is very popular with her students. 9. This treaty is subject to the approval of Parliament. 10. His action is worthy of high praise. Idiomatic Expressions ⑮ 1. At any rate, I’ll finish it today. 2. You shouldn’t take her story at face value. 3. He reads books at random. 4. By and large, it was a very pleasant trip. 5. We sang by turns. 6. She has left her hometown for good. 7. She has gone to Canada on business. 8. You dropped the ball on purpose, didn’t you? 9. To our surprise, he won the championship. 10. He came through the finals with flying colors. 【「兵法の心」で、貴社の海外業務をお手伝い!!】 〜総合英語(他言語)サービス業〜 >(有)末次通訳事務所 ・代表:末 次 賢 治 拝 Phone/Fax: 0948-29-3483 連絡用Tel:080-6433-9523 電子メール1) yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp
2020年12月09日 15時18分11秒
[◎通翻訳講習] カテゴリの最新記事