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英語5分間トレーニング 徹底活用学習ブログ

英語5分間トレーニング 徹底活用学習ブログ

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りんごI enjoyed chatting online at Englishtown twice today. The first time was in the afternoon and the second was in the evening. And there, I joined Japanese women! I talked with 5 or 6 Japanese women today and they were all housewives!

Wow. It was an exciting experience for me.
Now, I don't have any chances to join and talk such many housewives at one time because I can't go outside so often due to my broken leg. For that matter, I talked with all of them for the first time.

One of them was in her 50's, but I thought she was in her late 20's at first! I was so amazed to know she was in her 50's! Her voice sounded so younnnng! She said she had younger friends and it helped her keep in a young condition.

We talked about yoga exercise and how much money we could spend as an allowance in a month.

In the evening, we talked about Girl's Day, or Doll Festival. And there was one girl from taiwan, so we tried to explain to her what Girl's Day was and what kind of food we usually cooked on this day.
I think we could explain well after all, because she was very pleased to know that.

Through today's chats, I got the impression that they'd kept learning English even though their student days had been very far away. They seemed to enjoy gathering there and keep trying to improve their English speaking skill.

Now I can think housewives are not so bad after all! We still have a bright future ahead of us! Hurrah for housewives!

今日のチャットで、日本の主婦もまだまだ捨てたもんじゃない、と確信しました。みんな集まって英語のスピーキング力をあげようと一生懸命な感じを受けました。主婦の前途はまだまだ明るい! 主婦にばんざ~い!

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Last updated  2007.02.16 20:40:52
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