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英語5分間トレーニング 徹底活用学習ブログ

英語5分間トレーニング 徹底活用学習ブログ

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コンビニWowow is a satellite TV station in Japan. If we want to watch its programs, we need to apply and pay for it. The fee in a month is about 50US$, I guess, though I haven't become a member of it.

About 10 something years ago, I think Wowow had a good reputation for its programs. It was said Wowow broadcasted valuable programs which we couldn't watch on other TV stations. For example, when it broadcasted "Twin Peaks", one of a popular American TV drama, I think many people joined Wowow to watch its programs.

But after that, I didn't hear any good reputaion of the TV station. The only thing I heard was Wowow had a trouble getting its users these days.

To get its members, Wowow is now giving us a chance that we can watch all of its programs for free till the end of March.
Knowing this, my husband applied to this campaign. And I got a decoder to watch its programs on my TV today. So I can watch as much as I want from today till the end of next month!
I looked into the TV program list. What programs does it broadcast?

But there is no program I want to watch even if it's for free! All the movies Wowow plans to broadcast are available if I don't join the members. I can watch them anytime I want because I can rent them at DVD stores. And almost all the sports seem to be soccor games. I'm not so much interested in watching them. There are no news programs at all. What should I watch on this satellite TV?

Now I can get the reason why Wowow has a trouble getting its users.


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Last updated  2007.02.18 20:00:13
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