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ビデオThe movie I'm now interested in the most is "Dreamgirls".

"Dreamgirls" is a film version of a Broadway musical play. It's about the singing group of three girls, Deena, Lorell and Effie, who became famous during the 1960's. Deena is a sweet girl, Lorell is her best friend and Effie is a diva with the amazing voice.


ひらめきAccording to cinematic reviews I read, all of them seemed to agree to the opinion that Jennifer Hudson, the role of Effie, leaves stronger impression on us than Beyonce Knowles who plays the leading character, Deena.
This film is the first to play for Jennifer Hudson, the finalist of "American Idol" TV show, and she shows us her powerful and amazing voice in the film. Reviews says it is understandable that she gets nominated for the Academy Award as best supporting actress.

And there is another person in this film I have interested in. That is Eddie Murphy. Actually, I don't like him so much. That's because I've not felt empathy for any characters Murphy had played before. But this time seems quite different. It is said he plays one of the main characters lively who tumbles from the peak of his life to the wreck of his life. Eddie Murphy gets also nominated for the Academy Award as best supporting actor.

"Dreamgirls" recieved eight Academy Award nominations. This is the most of the any movie released last year.

Now you can see the trailer on this site, and you can hear the VOA report of this film here.
I'm sure you can have a little experience what a gorgeous and powerful musical this film is. In fact, I got goose bumps.

女性靴今もっとも興味ある映画は「ドリームガールズ」です。なんといっても主役のビヨンセを喰ってしまっていると評判のジェニファー・ハドソンの歌が聞いてみたい! またこれまであまり好きになれなかったエディ・マーフィーの演技がいいというので、これもぜひ見てみたい!ご両人ともアカデミー助演女優賞、助演男優賞にノミネートですものね。

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Last updated  2007.02.21 12:35:07
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