ひげクマCXT2のサンルーフの雨漏れについて困っています!そこで、HaynesのオーナーズマニュアルP277の「Water leaks from sunroof」71.71.&73.にチェック事項と対処法が記載されていますが、ひげクマには72.&73.の細かいニュアンスが理解できませんので何方か翻訳の手助けをお願い致します。尚、参考までに71.If a problem is experienced with water leaking into the center part of the sunroof lining, ckeck first that all four drain pipes are clear.72.If the drain pipes are clear,make sure that the runner rails are tightly in contact with roof lining, and apply a thick bead of sealant to area 'a' (fig.13.85) to prevent water flowing towards the middle of the sunrool.73.If there is still a problem, refer to Fig.13.86. Check that the gusset 'C' allow water to flow out into the rain channels. Apply a bead of sealant at he junction of plates 3 and 4, and bend up the edge of plate 5 slightly to stop the water overflowing.