Dr. Kook Jin Moon and Dr. In Jin Moon Speak to Malaysian Parliamentarians
FFWPU(米国)からのニュース。昨日のマレーシア招請特別イベントの関連記事です。文国進理事長の講演文全文あり。 日本ブログ村・統一教会へDr. Kook Jin Moon and Dr. In Jin Moon Speak to Malaysian ParliamentariansDr. Kook Jin Moon, Chairman of Tongil Foundation, gave a peace address to 70 Malaysian congressmen on the evening of June 19, in Kuala Lumpur. His speech was titled "Business Engine for Global Peace." There were about 130 participants, including Ronald Kianbee, Vice Speaker of the House. A welcoming greeting was given by Chua Soon Bui, Malaysian congressman, and a Keynote address by Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Haji Mulia (read by Ronald Kianbee), Speaker of the House.After an introduction by Thomas Walsh, Dr. Kook Jin Moon spoke. "My father, Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, is the conduit for all people to inherit the True Love that is God's divine essence," he said. "Also as Savior and Messiah, he is making effort to make a peace world. With my Father's teaching, the Unification Church World Headquarters Church in central Seoul has a special room to honor the prophet Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha and Confucius, whom we refer to as the Four Great Saints. Religions have power that can lead humankind to the direction of goodness. Let's make a peaceful world through unity of religions." Dr. Moon received a big applause from the Malaysian congressmen.Dr. In Jin Moon, President and CEO of HSA-UWC USA, next gave a greeting address to the attendees. Her speech was followed by a Peace Toast by Ooi Chuan Aun, Malaysian congressman, and a Peace Declaration by all the participants.Even though Islam is the state religion in Malaysia, religious freedom is guaranteed under the constitution. Also, 60 percent of Malaysians are Muslim, yet the Malaysian congressmen are very interested in the unity of religions and inter-religious activities by the Unification Church.Last year, 40 Malaysian congressmen attended the 90th birthday of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.The next day, June 20, 2011, Dr. Kook Jin Moon met with Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia, Speaker of the House and gave a special address at the Regional Peace Conference organized by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF).Peace Address by Mr. Kook Jin MoonPeace Banquet to Members of the Malaysian Parliament The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June 19, 2011<<more...>>また、クアラルンプールではネパールの話題も出ています。改宗をそそのかすすだけでも罪に問おうか(?)と論議しているネパールで、なんと、主要なテレビネットワークでODP(統一原理)の講義がシリーズで5回を数えたということだ。マレーシアでも、ネパールからの電波を拾っては聴講しておられる方も少なくないのでは以下。Twilog ホーム » @tcelder 2011年06月21日(火)1 tweetsHeard in Kuala Lumpur: Nepal has completed its 5th cycle of ODP lectures broadcast live by a major television network.posted at 05:11:14