When the black rain fell 2
The Issue is that India is one of the countries that possesses nuclear tecnology and weapons but hasn't signed the Nonproliferation Treaty, which limited the possession of unclear weapons to the five permanent members of the Security Council. "The Americans agree to take the risk of losing the international campaign to limit the proliferation of unclear weapns in the world," said journalist Reuven Pedhatsur of Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper. One reason that the United States may want India to become a unclear power could be a way of limiting Chaina's growing influence in the region. Whatever Bush's true intentions, his diplomatic strategy offers the world the wrong lesson. It makes no sense ti keep putting pressure on MahmoudAhmadinejad, the presidentof Iran, who claims his country's nuclear technology is only for the peaceful use of energy production. Iran, a country that we are pressuring, HAS signed the nonproliferation treaty, promising not to use unclear technology for weapons. India, which we are helping. hasn't signed the treaty. The Iranians see what happened to Iraq - Where even though they didn't have weapons of mass destruction, they were still invaded by the United States. Sally Buzbee of the Associated Press wrote, "By trumpeting its successes so forcefully, Iran may be trying to apply political pressure, aiming to convince the U.N. Security Council that its unclear capability is so far along that no sanctions can dissuable it." What would the atomic bomb victim ob Hiroshima sai in this situation? Too many countries think threatening each other is the most effective diplomacy. Fortunately, we live in a democracy, where the will of the people, properly expressed, can actually affect the country's policies. I am sure that Americans don't want to see any more "balck rain" falling. It was more than enough that we Japanese were the first and only victims of the terror of unclear weapons. The important things is that we have the key to Pandora's box. The box won't open by itself.*Tomonori Kubo is a senior journalism major at Temple University.どうでしたか?彼は「広島に原爆が投下された後の「黒い雨」とイラクの今の状況を掛け合わせて書いてみました。」と言っていたけど…今日は彼からエネルギー貰ったので、私も明日の仕事頑張ろうっと♪