お叱り・Told off
最近ある訪問者からGSTが「鳥取方式」を正しく説明していない結果としてかなり多くの方々が「芝刈りするだけでいい」との認識を持ってしまったことになっているという叱りを受けました。氏曰く「講演でもインタービューでも詳しく維持管理作業を説明した方がいい」そうです。おそらくこの方の意見が正しいと思います。確かに講演やインタビューではあまり具体的にどのような維持管理作業が必要かに触れることはありません。 でもそれには訳があります。講演やマスコミのインタビューの目的はそれではないからです。目的は至って単純です。講演の目的は「芝生に関心はあるものの芝生化は難しくて出来ないと思っている人に対して「決してそうではなく、発想を変えれば十分に可能である、又、芝生にはこれだけ多くの利点がある」との認識を持ってもらうことです。理想は講演やインタビューを聴いた団体・自治体の担当者が実際に芝生化に取り組む段階でちゃんと相談してもらうことです。その時点で、芝生化される場所の情報(面積、利用内容、利用者数,予算等々)をふまえて、その場所に一番合っている施工法と維持管理を提案します。相談もなしにちょっとの知識で実施する方が問題だと思いますし、仮にHPや講演で細かい説明をしたとしても自分たちの勝手な判断で大事な部分を落としたりして,結局同じ失敗に終わります。一番気に食わないのは我々からちゃんとしたアドバイスを受けずに、我々が伝えた相当重要な情報を度外視して実施された芝生化が失敗に終わり、その周辺の人々の間では「鳥取方式が失敗した、やはり余り良くないじゃないか」という意見が広まることです。我々が直接関わっていて失敗したならばまだ納得はできるが他人の失態による失敗で我々に対する信用が落ちるのはどうも納得出来ません。愚痴を言い出したらきりがないのでこの辺で止めておきます。A frequent visitor to this blog recently scolded me for the fact that many people have the impression that we state publicly that grass is possible to prepare merely by mowing, as a result of my failure to offer correct explanation of the so-called Tottori method.According to him, I should offer full explanation of turf maintenance in my speeches and interviews to the media.He may well be quite correct, in that I definitely do not give much detail of the necessary maintenance work when giving speeches or interviews.But there is logic in what I am doing. The key issue is that this is not the objective of speeches or interviews. All my speeches and interviews are aimed at people who may have some interest in grass but who firmly believe that it is too difficult to maintain and my objective is to convince them that actually this is not the case, that with a slight change in the way of thinking, grass is achievable almost anywhere, and that there are multiple benefits from grass playing fields.The ideal situation is one in which a person listens to one of my speeches and contacts us for advice when he has a specific site to be converted to grass. Once we have all the necessary information (area, number of users, details of the use, budget, etc.), we can submit a detailed proposal of the method of installation and the necessary maintenance work best suited to that site.The problem we face increasingly is that of people going ahead with grass conversion with only limited knowledge and without asking for detailed advice and I firmly believe that even were we to provide detailed advice on our HP, still some people would use it selectively and omit key elements, leading to the same failures as we see now.What really gets up my nose is when people ask for advice and then proceed with the project having chosen for their own reasons to ignore particularly critical information. When the project ends in failure, residents in that area know only that this project, carried out according to the Tottori method as far as they are aware, failed. The natural conclusion for them is that the Tottori method is actually not very good. I can live with failure when we are directly involved but I find it difficult to accept it when my credibility is damaged by other people's failure.I could go on all night bitching about it but really can't be bothered.