SPRING SKETCHESby Tadami YamadaA plum tree being attached an old bamboo stick aslant is its the old.Wind rages through everyday, I'm bitter against spring for coming late.It is just today that can be called spring! The wind is nice.The scent of plums lingered in the air, I walk slowly naturally.Ask me about spring, I've greeted spring many times already.Ask me about spring, I'll talk about visages that had disappeared like haze.A dog getting drenched in the cold spring rain lost his way, go on to walk.The garden was quite ruined and abandoned. The spring snow mottled on there.A flake of spring snow is the visiter's shoulder.Close the gate. The day is drawing to an end. It's spring cold.I passed by a girl having a pot of safflon in her arms.A spring bird is walking ahead of my steps, like an usher.My shoes are shiny, and tread lightly my own shadow with spring sunshine.Things are beginning to sprout mellowly mellowly in secret.The east wind is blowing, I'll write a short letter!The snake comes out from his own nest hole in spring. This infernal world!A spring egg in my palms, I feel it's warmth, it's life!I slipped on the road with slushy, felt the sole of the foot erotically.The spring storm blew the big tree which has lived through a thousand years.After watching sinful man the god-tree died in the spring storm.Shining warm wind, I polish window panes.Clams cry in a pool after an ebb tide.Picking up wild little flowers, I transplanted them in my garden.Spring glass! It feels soft and tenderly old man's wrinkles.To throw myself down on the spring glass, I dream the altitude of the sky.Peach, japanese magnolia, cherry blossomes are in bloom, and azalea too.