昨日は亡母の忌日と重なったので書かなかったが、江戸時代の俳人宝井其角の命日でもあった。「其角忌」という。陰暦の寳永4年2月30日に47歳で死んだ(1661-1707)。 名のった姓はいろいろで、竹下(本性)、榎本(母方姓)、寳井(宝井)、晉(しん)である。 墓は、戦前の書物には「芝二本榎上行寺」とあるが、この寺は創建(1567年)は小田原で「富士山上行寺」、後に江戸桜田に移り(1596年)、なおも在所を変えて1668年に芝二本榎に移った。その後、さらに昭和38年に伊勢原に移り現在に至っている。そして宝井其角の墓もここにある。 芝二本榎は地名が変わり、現在の高輪1丁目2丁目あたりである。戦前、芝二本榎時代の上行寺では新暦の3月30日に「其角忌」の法要を営んでいたという。私の今日の記述はこれに依る。現在、伊勢原に移ってからは如何なのであろう。私は詳らかにしない。 俳人宝井其角は芭蕉の門人だった。いささか奇警な俳句あるいは難解な俳句で知られる。句集に『五元集』がある。酒豪だったとも謂う。 闇の夜は吉原ばかり月夜かな 其角 名月や畳の上へ松のかげ 赤穂四十七士のひとり大高源吾とは俳友だった。もちろん其角は、大高源吾が赤穂浪士だとは知らなかった。町人同士としての俳友だった。ふたりが元禄15年の年の瀬に両国橋でばったり出会い、其角が「年の瀬や水の流れと人の身は」と詠むと、大高源吾は「あした待たるゝその宝船」とつづけた。 別れた後、そしてその夜更けて未明に吉良邸に討ち入りがあったことを知った其角は、はたと大高源吾の素性に気がついた。・・・と、よく知られた逸話であるが、じつはこれは後世の作り話。それはともかくとして、この討ち入りのときに其角は42歳だった。其角は討ち入りについては書き残している。 ついでながら芝二本榎上行寺には史料が無くて口伝なのであるが、大石内蔵助良雄を筆頭に赤穂浪士四十七名は吉良上野介を討ち、その首を持って引き上げる途中で上行寺に立ち寄った。しかし徳川家と繋がりがあった同寺は寺門を入ることを拒絶した。赤穂四十七士はそのままさらに歩いて主君浅野内匠頭長矩が眠る高輪泉岳寺に行った。・・・これが真実か否かは不明だ。上行寺に残る口伝である。 吉良邸は本所松坂町。現在の両国駅からさほど遠くない。ここから討ち入りの戦い後に芝高輪まで歩いたのだから、途中の上行寺で着衣を整えるつもりだったかも知れない。物の本によると、泉岳寺に着いたのは午前8時ころだった。泉岳寺では毎朝の仏に茶を供える準備をしていた。浪士たちはまっすぐに内匠頭の墓所に行った。寺の下男があわてて住職に知らせた。浪士たちは墓前に礼拝し報告した。その後に寺内に入った。泉岳寺を辞して仙石伯耆守邸(現在の虎ノ門2丁目、ホテルオークラの向いあたり)に向かったのは午後7時ころだった。 ところで宝井其角の墓はもうひとつある。世田谷区北烏山の称住寺である。 じつはこちらは供養墓である。供養墓がもとから称住寺に建立されていたのではない。北烏山の一帯は寺町と言ってよいほど多くの寺院がほとんど隣り合って存在し、喜多川歌麿や「江戸名所図絵」の画家長谷川雪旦、人情本「春色梅児誉美」の作者為永春水の墓がある。みな関東大震災後にこの地に移された墓である。 ・・・昔、私はこの地の近くに住んでいた。散歩コースとして寺廻り・墓巡りをしていた。称住寺の宝井其角の供養墓はじつにつつましやかで、それと気付かないほど小さい。「宝晉斎其角居士」と刻まれている。 其角忌や三途の川の朧月 青穹(山田維史) 其角忌や水面に浮かぶ橋の影 I didn't write it yesterday becaause it concided with the anniversary of my late mother's death, but it wasalso the anniversary of the death of the Haiku poetTakarai Kikaku in the Edo period. It is called "Kikaku-ki". He died on February 30, 4th year of the Hōèi according to the lunar calender at the age of 47 (1661-1707). His surname vary, including Takeshita (nature), Enomoto (maternal surname, Takarai, and Shin. The tomb is described as "Shiba Nihon Enoki Jōgyōji"in prewar books, but when it was founded (1567), it was "Mt. Fuji Jōgyōji" in Odawara and later moved toEdo Sakurada (1596). More later it changed its locationand moved to Shiba Nihon Enoki in 1668. After that,it moved to Isehara in 1963 and continues to thepresent day. And the tomb of Takarai Kikaku is alsohere. The place name of Shiba Nihon Enoki has changed,and it is around the current Takanawa 1 chome - 2 chome. Befor the war ( the WW II), it is said that atJōgyōji Temple in Shiba Nihon Enoki, the memorialservice for "Kikaku-ki" was held on March 30 accord-ing to the solar calender. My this writing depends onthis. What has happened since Jōgyōji Temple movedto Isehara now? I don't know. The Haiku poet Takarai Kikaku was a disciple ofBasho. He is known for his somewhat bizarre or eso-teric haiku. There is "Gogénshū" in his collection ofhaiku. He aalso says he was a drinker. His haiku. (English transl. by Tadami Yamada) Yami no yo wa Yoshiwara bakari Tsuki-yo kana The dark night Just only Yoshiwara is The moonlit night Méigètsu ya tatami no ué è matsu no kagè A bright moon Paine shadow on tatami mats He was a haiku friend with Gengo Ōtaka, one of the 47 Akō masterless swordsmen. Of course,Kikaku didn't know that Gengo Ōtaka was a Rōninof Akō. He was a townsman as a townsman. Thetwo met at Ryōgoku Bridge on the end of the 15th year of Genroku (1701), and when Kikaku madetanka (31 syllables poem), "Toshi-no-sè ya mizu nonagarè to hito no mi wa...(The end of year, the flow of water and the human body both are ...)", GengoŌtaka continued, "Ashita mataruru sono takarabunè (Tomorrow's waiting that treasure ship)." After parting, and later that night, when Kikakulearned that Kira's residence had been slaughtered,he realized the identity of Gengo Ōtaka. It is a well-known anecdote, but in fact this is amyth of posterity. Anyway, Kikaku was 42 years oldat the time of this Ako Roshis' attack. Kikaku hasleft a note about the attack. By the way, Shiba Nihon Enoki Jogyoji has nohistorical materials and is an oral tradition, butforty-seven Akō Rōshis, led by Yoshio Ōishi,defeated Kira Kōzukènosukè and stopped by Jogyojion the way to cut up with Kira's head. It was. However, the temple, which had a connection with the Tokugawafamily, refused to enter to temple gate. Forty-sevenAko Roshis walked further to Takanawa Sengakuji Temple, where his master. Asano Naganori, sleeps. ... I don't know if this is true or not. It is an oral tradition that remains in Jogyoji Temple. Kira Residence was Honjyo Matsuzaka Town. Notfar from the current Ryōgoku station. Since theywalked from here to Shiba Takanawa after the battle,they might have intended to dress up at Jogyoji Templeon the way. According to the book, they arrived atSengakuji Temple around 8 am. At Sengakuji Temple,monks were preparing the religious service to serve the tea the Buddha every morning. The Akō Rōshis went straight to the graveyard of the master. The man ofthe temple hurriedly informed the chief priest. TheRōshis worshiped and reported the attack in frontof the grave. After that, they entered the temple. And it was around 7:00 pm when they left Sengakuji Temple and headed for Sengoku Hōkino kami's resi-dence (currently Toranomon 2-chome, opposite Hotel Ōkura). By the way, there is another grave of Takarai Kikaku.It is Syōjyuji Temple in Kitakarasuyama, Setagaya-ku. Actually, this is a memorial tomb. The memorial tomb was not originally erected at the temple. There are so many temples next to each other inthe area of Kitakarasuyama, such as Kitagawa Utamaro,the illustorator Hasegawa Settan of " Edo Meisho Zue",and Tamenaga Shunsui, the author of the humanitybook "Syunsyoku Umegoyomi". There is a grave. Allare graves that were moved to this area after the GreatKanto earthquake. ... I used to live near this place. As a walking course,I was going around temples and old graves. The memorial tomb of Takarai Kikaku in SyojyujiTemple is really modest and small enough to be un-noticed. it is engraved with "Hōshinsai-kikaku-koji".that is his posthumous name as a Buddha.【Haiku by Tadami Yamada】 Kikaku-ki ya Sanzu-no-kawa no oborozuki The anniversary of Kikaku's death A hazy moon is upon the bridge for another world Kikaku -ki ya minamo ni ukabu hashi no kagè The anniversary of Kikaku's death The shadow of the bridge floating on the surface of the waterTadami Yamada