ようやく秋らしくなったと言えばよいのだろうか。朝方は涼しいというより少し肌寒さを感じる。朝食を摂りながら縁先をぼんやり見ていると、夏のあいだ放っておいた庭草が伸び放題になって、アカザがかすかに揺れていた。あるかなしかの風に揺れるともなく揺れるアカザがなぜか私の心に触れた。草の葉がふわりと揺れることで風が通ったことがわかる。そのあるかなしかの万象の一瞬のゆらめきを表現できたら・・・ 秋風やそっと回して走馬灯 青穹(山田維史) 秋風やかすかに揺れる千草かな Should I say that it's finally starting to feel like autumn? In the morning, I feel a little chilly rather thancool. As I was having breakfast and gazing out at theveranda, the garden grass that I had left unattended during the summer had grown wild, and AKAZA (Chenopodium album L. var. centrorum Makino) swayinggently. For some reason, the AKAZA swaying in thewind, whether it was real or not, touched my heart. Thesoft swaying of the grass leaves tells me that the wind has passed. If Icould express that fleeting flickering ofall things, real or not... Autumn wind, gently turning a kaleidoscope of life Autumn wind, gently swaying a thousand grasses by Tadami Yamada