きょう私はぼんやりとだらしない格好で椅子から身体を投げ出し、YouTubeでクラシック音楽を聴いていた。画面を見るのは演奏が難しそうなときだけで、イヤフォーンで聴いていたのである。幾度かサイトを切り替えているうちに、2009年のノーベル賞コンサートでマルタ・アルゲリッチさんがラヴェルの「ピアノ協奏曲 ト長調」を王立ストックホルム交響楽団と共演するのにぶつかった。私は姿勢を正して画面を正視した。そして・・・
すばらしいカメラワーク! これこそヴィデオの映像の勝利だ。生のコンサートでは窺い知ることができないヴィルトゥオーソの表情。演奏家と指揮者との間にかわされる秘密のコンタクトだ。
From a young age, I've listened to live concerts
by great classical musicians, orchestras and con-
ductors, as time permits (and of cause especially
as pocket money allows). The concert of Virtuoso
who came to Japan seems to be enriched my heart
when I remember it even after decades. It's very
different from having fun with recording.
However, when I listen to it on a video, I some-
times encounter unexpected scenes and am im-
Today I threw my body out of the chair in a
vaguely sloppy and listened to classical musics
on YouTube. I only look the screen when it seem-
ed difficult to play, and I listened to it with my
earphones. While switching sites several times,
I got the site that Martha Argerich into Ravel's
"Piano Concerto in G major" with the Royal Stock-
holm Philharmonic Orchestra at the 2009 Nobel
Prize Concert. I straightened my posture and
looked straight at the screen. And ...
Coda (final part) of the 2nd movement. The
piano is played for quite a long time with an
arpeggio with only two notes, a white key and
a black key on the right hand. In the meantime,
the left hand sometimes plays one note, and
the two notes on the right hand form a chord
as an accent. And the second movement ends
with ritardando at pianissimo. At that time, the
camera caught it. Argerich looked at the con-
ductor Yuri Temirkanov with a slightly looking
eye and smiled as if she was asking, "We've done
good, hadn't we?"
Great camera work! This is the victory of the
video image. The expression of Virtuoso, which
cannot be seen from a seat at a live concert. It's
a secret between the performer and the conductor.
Bravo to the video cameraman!
... Ms. Argerich, it went great, I listened to a
wonderfull performance!
Tadami Yamada