I have just returned home after completing the
second vaccination against the new coronavirus.
The inoculation venues I could reserve are diferent
from the first and second inoculations, and both are
far from my home. Inoculation takes only a few seconds.
It takes about 30 minutes including the waiting time
before and after. However, the round trip between my
house and the venue is always got tired. I'm taking a
break while drinking coffee.
I think that the situation where I cannot take off the
surgical mask will continue in the future, but for me so
far I have successfully passed the infection.
Two international exhibitions will be held in fall, so
we must fulfill our obrigations to fulfill the contract.
At least I have to avoid that not only COVID-19, but all
illnesses. Of courase, I can't fall down for whatever
reason. ... I have been keeping this point in my heart
since I was young and have continued my painting
business. And I have never fulfilled my obligation. I'm
drawing while thinking about thinking about how many
years are left now ...
Tadami Yamada