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The most important principle of the option that we choose is that we can get in and out of a trade quickly, and that it will actually make us money. Here are the following factors that go into a good pick.

Delta. Delta is a measure of how much an option moves compared to the underlying stock
price, usually expressed as a percentage. For example, a delta of 50% means that the option will move 50% of whatever the underlying stock moved. While delta is a somewhat complicated concept, what is important to us is that it’s high, at least 30% but preferably much higher. This is usually found with in-the-money options. As a general rule of thumb, I would go with an option that is at-the-money or one in-the-money.

Volume and open interest. The volume (number of options traded) and open interest (the number of held contracts) should be very high, in at least the thousands. This means
that there are a lot of people who are participating in the trading of these options, meaning we increase our likelihood of our order being filled quickly.

Bid-Ask Spread. The bid ask spread is the difference in price between what people are trying to buy options at and what people want to sell them at. For example, if our option has a bid price of $2.50 and an ask price of $2.65, then the spread is $0.15. Since we would like to get in and out of trades quickly, the easiest way to ensure this is to buy at the ask (the higher number) and sell at the bid (the lower number). If the spread is large and we buy and sell
an option immediately, we would incur a net loss that is equal to the spread. This means that the larger the spread, the bigger the movement in the option needs to happen in order for us to profit. Minimizing this spread is key to maximize profits and minimize risk.
ビッド・アスク・スプレッド。ビッド・アスク・スプレッドは、人々がオプションを購入しようとしている価格と、オプションを売りたい価格の差です。たとえば、オプションのビッド価格が2.50ドル、アスク価格が2.65ドルの場合、スプレッドは0.15ドルです。 私たちは、取引に素早く出入りしたいので、これを確実にする最も簡単な方法は、アスク(高い数字)で買い、ビッド(低い数字)で売ることです。スプレッドが大きく、すぐにオプションを売買した場合、スプレッドと同額の純損失が発生します。これは、スプレッドが大きければ大きいほど、利益を得るためにはオプションの変動が大きくなる必要があることを意味します。このスプレッドを最小限に抑えることは、利益を最大化し、リスクを最小限に抑えるための鍵です。

Trend of underlying stock. This one is easy, if the stock is going up, we want to buy a CALL,
if it’s going down, we want to buy a PUT.

Date of expiration. The longer the date of expiration, the more expensive the option. Choose one that is expiring within a week (but not the same day). Since we’re going in and out on the same day, we don’t need to buy longer out options as that will only cost us more.
有効期限の日付。有効期限が長いほど、オプションは高価になります。1週間以内に有効期限が切れるものを選択してください (ただし、同じ日でない) 。  我々は、同じ日に売買を行うので、長期のオプションを購入する必要はありません。それはただコストがかかるだけです。

Time Interval

I have found that a 2-minute chart works best for this strategy as it provides a good balance of high-fidelity, short-term information while smoothing out the variance of micro-fluctuations
in the stock that are not indicative of a larger trend.

Technical Indicators

The last component that we must outline before we are ready to put it all together are the technical indicators. Once again, I will not go into detail about what they are conceptually, but you should have a good understanding of what they are generally and how they can be
used before proceeding.

The overarching theme that we are aiming to uncover by using these indicators is momentum. If we can identify when a stock is gaining momentum in a certain direction, then it will be an
indicator for us to ride that wave.

As it turns out, it may be hard to predict where a stock will go in a few hours, days, or years, but it is pretty easy to predict where a stock will go in a few minutes. Observe the following daily TSLA chart

Daily TSLA chart

From this chart, it may be very difficult to predict whether this chart will end in a net gain over the course of the day or a couple days. However, we can observe a noticeable pattern in the swings of the stock. Our goal is to take advantages of the swings that happen throughout
the course of the day.

5–8–13 Simple Moving Average (SMA). Do those numbers look familiar? They are fibonacci numbers. The idea is that you superimpose the 5, 8, and 13-bar SMA lines on top of the stock
you are trading. When all three of these lines are in agreement, it indicates that the stock has momentum in that direction. Conversely, a disagreement indicates that the momentum is not strong or is shifting.
813単純移動平均 (SMA)。これらの数字に見覚えがありますか? それらは、フィボナッチ数です。アイデアは、取引している株式の上に58、および13バーSMAラインを重ね合わせるというものです。これら3つの線がすべて一致している場合、株価はその方向に勢いがあることを示しています。逆に、不一致は、勢いが強くないか、シフトしていることを示します。

The following example illustrates how the 5–8–13 SMA can be used to identify trends.
次の例は、5-8-13 SMA を使用して傾向を特定する方法を示しています。

5–18–13 SMA study on AAPL 
1813 AAPL に関する SMA 研究

Let’s break down each section in this image

l  We notice the 5-day SMA intersect the 8 and 10 day SMAs. Then, the 8-day SMA intersects the 13-day SMA. Finally, the 13-day SMA begins to trend upwards. This indicates that a trend is emerging and we can interpret this as a buy signal for a CALL option.

l  The 5-day SMA intersects the 8-day SMA in the opposite direction, indicating a shift in momentum. The 8-day intersects the 13-day shortly after. We can interpret this as a sell signal for a CALL option

l  Similar to example (1), we now see the same trend occurring in the reverse direction. We can interpret this as a buy signal for a PUT option.

l  This example demonstrates where we must be cognizant of the overarching trend of the stock. The 13-day SMA does not gain enough upwards momentum to give us confidence to buy. This is reinforced by the downward trend in the underlying stock.



Last updated  2024.07.19 05:53:10
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