Bitcoin Will Become the Best Savings Tool After the Upcoming Halving
By Bary Rahma
文責 バリー・ラーマ
15 April 2024, 23:30 GMT+0000
2024年4月15日, 23:30 GMT+0000
Updated by Bary Rahma
更新 バリー・ラーマ
15 April 2024, 23:30 GMT+0000
2024年4月15日, 23:30 GMT+0000
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l Bitcoin (BTC) is posited as a superior savings tool due to its
immutable scarcity and resilience against asset debasement.
l Traditional assets like fiat, stocks, and even gold are experiencing significant value loss due to overproduction and inflation.
l Post-halving, Bitcoin's reduced supply inflation is expected to drive significant price appreciation, based on historical trends.
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Currently, traditional assets are continually debased due to overproduction and inflation. Bitcoin emerges as a beacon of stability with its immutable scarcity and superior monetary properties.
As the next Bitcoin halving approaches, experts and market analysts spotlight BTC as the ultimate tool for long-term savings.
Bitcoin: the Ultimate Savings Tool
According to a new report, Bitcoin’s unique attributes position it ahead of traditional savings instruments. Joe Burnett, researcher at Unchained, explained that the upcoming Bitcoin halving, which will reduce the block reward from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, is set to cement Bitcoin’s role as a prime savings medium.
新しいレポートによると、ビットコインのユニークな属性は、従来の貯蓄商品よりも優位に立っています。Unchainedの研究者であるJoe Burnett氏は、ブロック報酬が6.25BTCから3.125BTCに減少する今後のビットコイン半減期は、主要な貯蓄媒体としてのビットコインの役割を確固たるものにするように設定されていると説明しました。
Burnett described the modern economic environment as an “innovation trap.” Here, rapid technological advancements and market competition lead to an oversupply of goods and services, ultimately causing asset values to plummet.
He argued that in such a scenario, storing significant wealth outside of Bitcoin will be “increasingly difficult” due to the debasement of traditional assets.
“Bitcoin may be the asset class that increasingly captures a significant share of total global wealth, all at a time when global wealth is rapidly increasing due to the relentless acceleration of innovation. In a world of abundance, hyper-productivity, and intensely competitive markets, storing significant wealth outside of Bitcoin will be increasingly difficult,” Burnett said.
The researcher also highlighted that traditional assets, including fiat currencies, stocks, and real estate, are susceptible to value erosion over time. For instance, the US dollar has depreciated significantly, down 92.8% over the last five years when measured against basic consumer goods.
Read more: How to Protect Yourself From Inflation Using Cryptocurrency
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Purchasing Power of the US Dollar. Source: Statista 米ドルの購買力。出典: Statista
This trend is mirrored in other asset classes, with the 20-year Treasury Bond dropping more than 94.8% in the same period.
Even precious metals like gold and silver are not immune. Despite their historical reputation as stable storeholds of value, the increased efficiency in mining and production technologies has led to a surge in supply, which, in turn, diminishes their value.
“There’s practically infinite gold in the universe, and there’s even an estimated ~$771 trillion worth of gold just in Earth’s oceans (~70x the current circulating supply). The potential circulating supply of gold has no serious limit, and gold holders will have their savings
endlessly devalued as humanity becomes more productive at mining and extracting
gold,” Burnett explained.
These findings underscore the diminishing returns of traditional investments and highlight the increasing relevance of Bitcoin. Burnett argued that Bitcoin’s “immutable absolute scarcity” uniquely suits it as a savings tool, especially in a hyper-competitive, innovation-driven economy.