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The Radan's diary

いいね! --/--







眠らない大陸クロノ… ♪ルヴィナ♪さん
偽ドラのなんでもポ… 偽ドラさん
ネギのプレハブ小屋 ネギのプレハブ小屋さん
Everytime Smile♪ quoisさん
まったりお茶を飲み… よしたか2360さん
taroking room taroking2002さん
【 viria's 】 viriaさん
引退した人の日常記 ソート2004さん
なんでもいいんじゃ… ユー3059138さん
自由気ままに。 不倶戴天/時雨さん
カテゴリ:a diary in english
Correct person.

Every man, regardless of whether you are aware, there is an ideal figure. Somewhat, but close to its ideals, can match is absolutely denied. It is in the process of approaching the ideals, ideas and potential changes people went, gradually, since that is also changing ideals. Pursuing that can not never catch up. However, people can be to correct itself.

Human values ??and behavior will be through the medium of the brain potential thought acts limbs become apparent in the merged environment. In other words, overt behavior that underlies the human potential in the idea. Encompasses the idea of ??potential values, values ??will include behavior. However, the behavior will be evident from the values ??of all external factors are changed each time through a process-oriented. Thought is also a potential source of differences that change with values. That is, values ??that are generated from the idea that one potential apposition said, values ??and behavior that will not necessarily equal footing. Potential for capturing the ideas themselves are not. However, we thought to potentially rapidly changing. It depends on the propriety of behavior that is manifest in human consciousness.
Values ??are in a variety of people, each one is a centralized manner. Everything people behave based on values. But it's not all think right is not absolute. Have been obtained even if that means more comprehension. And not even recognize themselves is that it means more comprehension. The only separates us is only the result.
In order to determine the means to pre-established shared values ??are. If the values ??shared by a plurality of elements and Shi probability is relatively high. If there is a difference in value, it is necessary to consider mutual. However, the range of sight, which means change. Thus, also in the values ??of each day was to be come a new comprehension. Each other to extract only those elements in it think right, based on the element to fire, creating new values. Values ??is to repair the other.
The multiple values ??in this way, values ??of potential ideas that surfaced from the case of a single person is different. In order to manifest the new values, it is necessary to correct the idea that a potential source. Be repaired to give the correct values ??is indirect and therefore the idea of ??potential. The idea that the potential is evident that renewed sense of values. People repeat the process.
Correct person.


最終更新日  2011.11.27 03:26:55
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 ラダン@ Re[1]:今月2回目(10/18) 柚(ケータイさん まじかw じゃーこれからち…
 柚(ケータイ@ Re:今月2回目 あたしちゃんと見てるよー(´ω`)ノ だからい…
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