I have not written this diary for a looooong time!Sorry everybody..... I was too busy.Actually I have a lot of things to tell you guys recently, but when I sit down in front of the computer, I always lose my power to write about dairy things some how.haha, forgive me.I have been having pretty exciting days!I miss Churchill sometimes, but I am not having reverse culture shock.As I found Canada cool, I found Japan really cool as wellCanadian life and Japanese life are different, but nothing is better, nothing is worse...just different.I love both!Well, I'm having tests now... yeah, mid term exam.It is hard. Really hard for me... especially math!!!I needed to study harder, but I didn't. lolI don't hate math though. I find it more interesting than before.But,,,,,,,, yeah, the truth is only one... it is hard.However! I think I did really good on my English exam.I need less time to study and understand than before. Exciting!I went to the library to study with my friend today.Most of time, we concentrated. We had break time... we talked and laughed.And we went to MacDonald for lunch and Buskin Robbins for snack.The crepe I ate was wonderful...I'm hungry by the way... I can't wait supper!というわけで、たまには英語を使ってみたかったりするわけです。たいしたことは書いてないんだけれどさ☆本当にお久しぶりですね!なかなかいろんな楽しいことがあっても、どういうわけだかなかなか更新が出来ないんですね↓↓何かあった折に、また書ければいいなぁと思います。上にも書いたんだけれど、逆カルチャーショックとかも無く、非常に順調に高校生やってます…勉強以外は(汗最近いきなり寒くなって秋らしくなってきましたね!1年くらい前には、チャーチルでの生活をスタートしたんだなぁと思うと、なんか不思議な気分。時経つの早いなぁ、って思うのと、なんだか信じられないのとで。たまにホストママともメールしていて、ちょこちょこチャーチルのでの様子を聞いたりしてます。今年はスコットたちも、いよいよ最終学年かぁ☆★また会いたいなぁ…。。