NHK News 7 (Wed. Feb. 11, 2009)Japanese broadcast:中東和平に大きな影響を与えるイスラエルの総選挙は、開票がほぼ終わり、中道の与党カディマが1位につけています。しかし、パレスチナとの和平交渉に消極的な右派勢力が全体の議席の過半数を占め、次の政権の発足には、紆余曲折が予想されます。My TranslationThe Israel’s general election, which influence on the peace in the Middle East to large extent, has almost completed, and the ruling party, middle-of-the-road Kadima, gained the largest number of the seats. However, the right wing parties, which are not active on the peace negotiation with Palestine, have gained more than half seats in total. Therefore, it is easily anticipated that there would be a lot of friction or problem before establishing the next government.English broadcast:In Israel, no single party has emerged as* clear winner on* Monday’s general election.The central* Kadima party captured the largest number of seats, but there is a big question mark as to whether to come together with coalition government in the parliament where divided by right wing holds majority.* Not sure...The English broadcast does not mention on the followings:- general election, which influence on the peace in the Middle East to large extent- middle-of-the-road- the right wing parties, which are not active on the peace negotiation with Palestine