I’ve read the news saying that “仏大統領がののしり合い ビデオ映像が大評判に (共同通信)! I’ve heard yesterday someone said on TV that he preferred Sarkozy staying with his Top Model (his wife, Carla Bruni). As I didn’t care about what happened, so I ignored until I read the above news. I think Sarkozy rarely loses his cool, because I remember some of his debates for the Presidential elections with his adversary. He kept always cool and always answered with respect. But he is franc. The man who insulted him, first of all, spoke to the President in a familiar way, and refusing to shake hands saying that “you disgust me”(“tu me salis.”). Sarkozy answered just in the man’s level. Well, but maybe, “pauvre con” (aware na yatsu) was too much franc. It was a catchball conversation. You know, one say, choose your partner with who you can make a catchball conversation...(sore to kore wa chigau ?) This “pauvre con”, (aware na yatsu) unfortunately I should (?) use sometimes when I get angry with my husband, as he says in the same way. (fuufu genka no toki ne) Personally, of course, it’s far from elegance, I hate this kind of bad words. It’s better avoid using bad words. You know, because of “kotodama” power. I want my husband being gentle, elegant. In French if you speak to someone who you meet for the first time, there’s a “vousvoyer”, a language with respect. When you feel at ease with your person, then you switch to “tutoyer”. “Tutoyer” is used then between friends, family members, lovers, etc. Well, it might be better to know that there’s a risk to insult the French President, those who insult him, could have a penalty, so be careful! Even when he was the minister, an activist of educational network had a penalty of 800euros(120 000yen) for writing in his letter as if Sarkozy was the rasist and facist. 仏大統領がののしり合い ビデオ映像が大評判に (共同通信) Do you want to know more in French ? What the French Président said ? Incident entre Sarkozy et un visiteur du salon de l'Agriculture and in English ? Nicolas Sarkozy loses his cool with heckler By Peter Allen in Paris Last Updated: 7:48am GMT 25/02/2008 Find also Kibunji-san, Futaba-san’s blog from my blog. They are language artists, I mean Poets. Arigatoh, Thank you, Merci! In Finland, they pronounce “Kiitasu” to say “Thank you.” I don’t know how to write. P.S. Fuufu genka shitakurai de wakaretcha dameyo. Ha ha ha! ( ase, ase…) お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
April 4, 2017 09:00:07 PM
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